
Do you know the name of this horse stunt?

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I am looking into some of the stunts that horses have been taught to do, for example in dressage and the lippizaner horses. Things such as capriole, levade etc. Do you know the name of the one where they jump like a deer, front legs out, back legs back?




  1. That movement is called the capriole, and like all the other "airs above the ground", it was invented as a battle maneuver. In this case, as the horse jumps forward ( which is a move intended to crush an enemy on the ground below the animal) it gives a powerful, full length kick with both hind feet, which is meant to crush or fracture the skull of anyone who may be behind the animal.

    The "airs" are NOT STUNTS, nor are they done for peoples' amusement. These battle maneuvers were invented by the great armies of Europe for the purpose of winning wars, not making people laugh. In the modern age, they are still taught to horses as part of a specialized training program at places like the Spanish Riding School in Vienna, the school of Samaur in France, the RietInstitut VonNeindorff in Germany, and a few other select schools of classical riding throughout the world. I believe that Portugal and Spain also have schools of classical riding and dressage.

    Classical dressage is NOT cruel- all the movements in it are based on things which any horse can do naturally at play, and the welfare of the horse ALWAYS comes first in the classical world. Dressage training actually benefits all horses in one way or another- by making them quiet, obedient, and easy to ride and handle. There is no horse sport, other than racing and harness racing, which does not use dressage in some way- it's really the foundation of all riding, no matter what its form. Horses learn to use their bodies in a correct, gymnastic way which helps them avoid painful injuries. It's not at all uncommon for dressage horses to be in their 20's and still going strong- the oldest horse on the US team at the Olympics this year is in her late teens, and she's just fine. Plus, dressage is beautiful to watch- it's like watching ballet on horseback. Some have called it an art, rather than a sport- I think it's both.

    What Pat Parelli teaches is NOT dressage- it's tricks and stunts. He relies far too heavily on "tricks" to get horses to do things- and his unwillingness to insist on good behavior can lead to major problems. I have found that many horses which are trained this way think they can walk all over people, or that they can dominate people, and this can only lead to disaster, especially when the animal weighs a thousand pounds or more. We have a horse like this on our farm, and he can be a real pain to deal with when he decides he wants his own way. No one I know likes having a 1,500 pound animal walk all over him or her- but this horse will do that. I don't like Parelli for this reason, and I think that eventually, someone is going to get hurt badly enough that he's going to be forced into changing his ways- or face a lawsuit or two.  

  2. It's Capriole as everyone else said but here's a video...

    I tried to teach one of my Clydesdale stallions that it's hard work and i didn't suceed all I got from him was a Kick kinda thing Lol!

  3. I believe it is called a "capriole".

    The "levade".

    The "courbette".


    *edit* Most places that train their horses to those levels, have excellent trainers and treat their horses like royalty. Do a search of the "Spanish Riding School". Also,  They show you how to train with gentle methods.

  4. Of corse it isnt crule! its an advanced dressage move! if it was crule, the horses would be in pain or pushed into doing it.

    Most of the time, a horse that understands the aids will do it willingly but thats the key - giving the correct aids.

    It is called capriole, heres a picture of it

    If i were you, i wouldnt teach it to rear in any position, its not fun when they do it in the middle of a main road!!!! once they know they can do it, they will do it anywhere and everywhere and you cant stop them.

    It looks pretty when the spannish riding school horses do it, but those horses are strictly riden in the school, menage and for peforminces.

    They dont ever have to ride them on the road, out on hacks or even school them in an open field because the training is so intense, they get all the exersize they need form the training. Your horse is not for that so unless you have a death wish, dont do it.

    Anyway, good l**k but please - dont be silly but have fun!

  5. courbette I believe it is

  6. yup, it's a capriole.

  7. I don't know the name of it but I know the name used to describe the training. Cruel


    ShannonX is cheating. She added all those Youtube bits in after I had answered. The guidelines prohibit that.

  8. The capriole has rear legs out but front tucked, and the levade has front legs out and rear tucked.  I think you mean the capriole?

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