
Do you know the odds against getting to Heaven?

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Heaven for many would be winning a lottery.

The mystical Heaven of religion depends on

what you're willing to sacrifice for it: -reason,

-intellect,-facts of everyday observation-just like a lotto ticket buyer depends on gullibilty. An unallocated fortune will attract every flavor of reptile-brained politician (lotteries are fair game for them). John Sharp, State Comptroller of Texas who worked face-to-face with lottery insiders said,

"I underestimated the slime in the industry by a big degree." Geo. Bush was business partner with Richard Rainwater, co-founder of Gtech. George's benefactor was the ex-

Lt. Gov., Ben Barnes, also Gtech's lobbyist. John Osorio, ex-Insurance Commissioner & ex-jailbird, sent up for an insurance number scam won a $60.000,000.00 Texas lottery. The Quick-Pick has won 45% of all jackpots, but sells 65% of all tickets. Only the 'brain-dead' would imagine that this is due to chance. Do you know how lotteries are bilking your $Billions?




  1. No one gets into heaven.

    Christians believe you must repent your sins and follow Christ to Heaven. All others suffer in Pergatory or h**l.

    Muslims believe you must follow Muhammad, all others go to h**l.

    Just using those two examples means everyone goes to h**l.

  2. "The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God."

    Them CEOs are nothing more to God than you or me.

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