
Do you know the "Magic Words? Heard about a program that you can change your child's behavior in one minute.

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On TV and radio, I heard about a Behaviorial Program in which they advertise that one's child will listen to you and behave with just a few words in less than a minute from really bad behavior. The only words I could think of to an unruly kid is "If you don't stop, you'll really be sorry" or even stronger threats. Maybe, "There goes your inheritance!"

How do you handle disrespectful children (of any age)?

Phil of Atlanta




  1. I would leave them in there room for 10 minutes with nothing to do. Then i'll take away there tv and stuff.

  2. Hi, I beleive you might be talking about The Total Transformation Program by James Lehman.  I own the program and it does work.  I am doing a review of it on my website if you want to take a look to get a better idea of what the program is about.

    There's no magic answer to handling disrespect, it takes work on the parent's part, but I will tell you that this program will give you the tools necessary to make those changes.

    Hope this helps


  3. For little ones, I warn them that it will be time out, then if they're still playing up I'll pick them up and sit them on the sofea for every minute of their age. Don't talk to them, look at them, just leave them there. If they play up again, I put them in the bedroom for the same time, with the door shut. They know I mean it when I say it, you can't make empty threat to children.

    For older ones I tend to ground them, take away phones, computers, going out. If they do something like come home an hour late, when they are allowed out again they have to come home an hour earlier than before.

    Hope that helped

  4. Beat the c**p outta them. Then, if they don't listen, stuff their favorite doll up their ***.

  5. say:

    (if you are in public like church or so on)

    "I will take you up in front of all these people and spank you in front of all your friends"

    should work and if it doesn't DO it

    or if you are at home

    " if you dont______(stop or what ev) i will tell your father/mother when he/she gets home and you won't see another day of _____(something they like) in your life time!"

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