
Do you know the reallity of islam?

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Do you know the reallity of islam?




  1. In brief, Islam is the only way to mange our life

  2. If u really want to know what islam is then ignore what people say and do and read the holy Quran! Thats the only thing that can tell you what islam really is.

    Islam literally means submission to ONE God in order to obtain peace. Islam isnt just a religion, its a way of life. The holy Quran wasnt written for just muslims, it was written for mankind. Many times in Quran God is saying 'O mankind...' and Even 'o people of the book...(Jews and christians). So people who say Quran jus talks about Muslims  are wrong.

    Islam tells you to be fair and just to everyone. Regardless of colour, race, s*x or whether he is rich our poor. Everyone is equal! Islam has guidelines for everything, wars, marriages, trading, animal rights, etc..

    There are five pillars of islam..

    1.SHAHADAH. Faith-  Ã¢Â€ÂœThere is non worthy of worship except Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah”.

    2.SALAH. praying five times a day.

    3.ZAKAH. Giving charity, Muslims are supposed to give a fixed proportion of their savings for endeavours such as helping the poor.

    4.SAWM. Fastingin the month of Ramadan.

    5.HAJJ. This is pilgrimage to Mecca, at least once in your life if u can afford it. conclusion, if you really want to know what islam is, read the holy Quran.

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