
Do you know the statistic's of childern being abused or neglected after their adopted?

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Do you know the statistic's of childern being abused or neglected after their adopted?




  1. If the parents are good parents, then the rate would be just as low, biological or adopted.  If they are not, the rate would be just as high, biological or adopted.

    A good parent doesn't see themselves as adoptive parents, and they certainly don't see their children as adopted children.  Once a child is in your heart, familial situation doesn't mean squat.

  2. Excellent resources here for your answer! Good job SunnyQ!

    The statistics are much higher that an adopted child will be abused, just as all children raised in a home with non-biological relatives are. Step families have higher rates of abuse than intact families as well.

    Here is an article from this week's Newsweek highlighting the problem:

    And an Indiana 'mother' charged with killing her adopted daughter this week:

    Here's an article that touches on it:

    Here are some sites that also may help:


    And in one study I read the number is 84% of adopted children suffer some form of abuse. I have to find the study to give you the name and quote. I will try and find it for you..

  3. I personally don't. But that does not mean that it doesn't happen. Some people are not meant to be parents wither they are adoptive or biological.

  4. no-one looks out for an adopted child in the same way that social services look out for foster kids (not very well by the way).  so I doubt these stats are being collected.  once a kid is adopted he's the same as any other kid and his abuse/neglect is reported and treated (or not) just like a birth child.


  6. You won't find many.  Once adoptions are finalized, there is virtually no follow-up.  In addition, adopters will get the benefit of the doubt far more often than bio parents when it comes to child abuse allegations.  Only when it results in death or serious injury do we hear about these cases.

  7. Well, Lawrence is dead wrong about that.

    The statistics are much higher that an adopted child will be abused, just as all children raised in a home with non-biological relatives are.  Step families have higher rates of abuse than intact families as well.

    Here is an article from this week's Newsweek highlighting the problem:

    And an Indiana 'mother' charged with killing her adopted daughter this week:

    Here's an article that touches on it:

    Here are some sites that also may help:


    And when people tell you that parents of biological children abuse and kill their kids, too, let them know that only 2% of the population is adopted, so the abuse/death statistics are much, much higher in adoptive homes.

  8. I don't know the statistics, I just know I am a statistic. my apoptive parents had no bussiness having me. i was treated differently than my siblings, all natural.  It happens all the time. don't be fooled.

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