
Do you know this webpage "Free Rice"?

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  1. OMG I love that website when I was in 4th grade my teacher told all of us to get on freerice and then it got popular in the 4th grade so we had contests to see who had the most against classes and stuff. it's pretty cool and educational. You donate 20 grains of rice every time you answer a question correctly. It's fun fun fun!!! Oh and you can always win big prizes if you got big scores. Speaking of rice I'm eating some now!! Hahaha!!

  2. geeee this is fantastic.  thanks for the tip.  its worthy.

    i didnt know my vocab is poor!!


    all the best

  3. Yes, everytime u answer a question right you get a certain amount of grains of rice and thats how much gets donated to Africa

  4. Dang--with the price of rice skyrocketing and Costco not letting me buy more than two bags at once I thought I was onto something.

  5. Thanks very much for your information

  6. Yes.

  7. i just donated 2,340 grains... lol

    i think my oldest son need to try this site too..:)

    thanks for the info!

    he already has a daily routine of studying english and math. i just added this site as well. he needs to donate 1,000 grains every day now :) really good site for kids!

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