
Do you know (two faced)people of slate other people off behind their backs constantly?

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My mothers friend runs me down constantly on the phone to her and praises her "can do no wrong" golden boy son.( We are about the same age)

I know this because I can hear her pouring scorn about me when the phone is on loudspeaker. My mother never admits it but she knows her best mate does this regulary.

To begin with I laughed it off and pretended not to notice, but I have just come back from holiday and yet again I hear stuff like " how many holidays is he having!!!??? TWO in one year, my poor michael works his socks off never gets a chance for even a quick break. This is the tip of the iceberg it does get quite nasty and personal than this.

I am going to lose it one day and snatch the phone off my mom and tell her straight to F . O!

This is bizarre question I know but I can't understand why she is like this. I am always polite when I answer sometimes and my mother never says a bad word about me. It really gets to me to her someone tear into me behind my back when she has NO reason to do this.

Why does this happen??

Thanks in advance.




  1. I would put courtesy on the back burner, snatch the phone and tell her exactly what you thought.

    Then buy mum some chocs or flowers and tell her you love her really.

  2. what an unpleasant person - I am being very polite here

    tell your mother that you cannot understand how she can be friends with someone like this

    also when your mum is on the phone again then say loudly

    Are you still friends with that jealous cat - why don't you find a Friend who is nice and is pleasant about people instead of a bth?

  3. some people are just cvnts. you should do exactly that, next time she is on the phone and doing it you should snatch it and say what you've gotta say.

  4. people talk behind other peoples backs because they have nothing better to do and are obviously jealous of them  

  5. why would your mum wanna be best friends with someone like that!!?? you should be more upset with your mum for not sticking up for you!!

  6. This "lady" sounds like a piece of work... I think the fact that she's comparing all the time speaks volumes..i think she's digging at you because she's jealous and her "Golden Boy" isn't so golden...

  7. one word springs to mind....JEALOUSY . next time you hear her saying these things tell her to get a grip, get a life and go out more. its nothing to do with her how many holidays you have

  8. i have to live with this almost everyday cos i go to an all girls school and it bloody SUCKS!!!

    i dont get why everyone is twofaced?!?

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