
Do you know what's the meaning of this dream?

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Here's this guy. He's my apple of the eye when we were in grade 7 until we graduated. He also likes me (he even asked me to be his girlfriend but I refused because we were too young that time). Now we're in high school. We go to different schools so we don't see each other now. I really don't think of him since we graduated. But yesterday, I dreamed of him. I don't know why. I didn't think of him before I sleep. My dream was all about him. He's like asking me again to be his girlfriend and he asked for the help of my cousin and friend. I don't know why.




  1. Well it seems his face and personality is stucked to your mind and thus your dreams. This could have happened when you refused of being his girlfriend and now, you might be thinking maybe you would've changed your mind. But don't worry about, many other people might have the situation to you and maybe one day, you can see each other and be friends like in Year 7.

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