
Do you know what a Unitarian Universalist is?

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(my religion) I'm just wondering what people's definition of it is. From like, someone elses point of view. (If you even know what it means at all!) It is not some new age thing, it's been around for years. So...what do you think it is?




  1. I don't understand it.   From what I have heard from other sources and the previous answers, you don't even need to believe in God.   If you didn't believe in God, why in the world, would you want to go to church at all?    I mean you could sleep another 2 hours instead!!   I am a Christian and I go to a Bible believing Baptist church and am very happy there.

  2. Yes. I was a Unitarian, a HAPPY UNITARIAN, until they merged with the Universalists and became the most left wing, non religion group ou there. They all have peace signs hanging in front...nothing like the wonderful and religious Unitarians.

  3. I know, because I'm a UU, also.

    But I'm interested in what others think.

  4. Thomas Jefferson, a deist, is often depicted as leaning toward the Unitarian and Quaker religions.  I attended a service once with an atheist friend who is a member.  I'm a member of the UCC, which has a reputation for being almost as liberal as the Unitarian church but is still guided by the Bible.  I believe a number of Unitarians are more agnostics than atheists, and I believe they and members of Ethical Societies, etc., often come from regimented backgrounds, such as fundamentalism or Catholicism, against which they are reacting.

  5. In a word-nutcase.

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