
Do you know what an 'ad hominem' or 'against the man' argument is and how it is used by the media?

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Do you know what an 'ad hominem' or 'against the man' argument is and how it is used by the media?




  1. An important "tactic" in the American presidential election campaigns.

  2. It is basically mis-direction, a personal attack on an individual rather than a reasoned objection to their claim or argument.

    For example, concentrating on Boris Johnson's marital infidelities rather than on his policy, or making claims about someone's sexuality as if that would weaken their arguments in parliament.

  3. It's a wholesale attack on a persons background, beliefs whatever.

    It is used constantly by the media when they want to move on to the next person in the firing line who will shift more papers. Or to place or remove someone from office who *Rupert Murdoch* doesn't like/agree with.

  4. It is an attack on the person who makes an argument, rather than attacking the argument itself.

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