
Do you know what (an Olive Tree) symbolizes?

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Do you know what (an Olive Tree) symbolizes?




  1. could it have to do with the olive branch?  You know, extending the olive branch symbolically means willing to make amends for a arguement or mistake.

  2. peace

  3. PEACE!!

  4. the young one is correct Mija .... it is peace

  5. mediterranean


  6. According to Greek mythology, the goddess of wisdom, Athena, taught people to use the olive tree. Both Athena and Poseidon, the god of the sea, wanted to be the patron of Attica, the section of Greece that includes the city of Athens.  The other gods on Mount Olympus devised a contest for them, specifying that the winner would be the one that could provide the best gift to the people of Attica.  Poseidon struck the ground with his trident and a horse sprang forth; Athena did likewise with her spear, and an olive tree grew up.  The gods decided that the olive tree, as a symbol of peace and agriculture, was a much better gift than Poseidon's horse, a symbol of war.  So Athena became the patron of Attica, and its principal city, the city of the olive tree, was named after her.

    Olive tree -- peace and agriculture

  7. It symbolizes that this is a tree from which you can harvest olives.  If you want some more spiritual answer why don't you ask in the appropriate section?

  8. I can help with this one

    an olive tree symbolizes

    peace, fruitfulness, purification, strength, victory and reward

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