
Do you know what breeds my dog is composed of?

by  |  earlier

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i know he is a mongrel.but i want to know if you know what breed he is.

here are pics of him:

i'm sorry you have to see him caged like that.he had an accident last night and my mother said that he must btay on his cage overnight for what he did.

by the way,do YOU know what breed he is made of?




  1. I would say St.Bernard and Border Collie..

    answer mine please.;...

  2. I'm actually seeing Australian Shepherd x Border Collie

    Australian Shepherd

    Border Collie

  3. Probably Sable Border Collie dog - i think he might be a cross though or just has strong working lines over show lines - my dog is a border collie and has a mix of showy and worky lines lol n he looks very silly - he has a very full, flashy coat and big fluffy neck and tail but he is constantly muddy and tangled up because he loves to work so much lol

    And my dog stays in a crate when we go out and at night - they are good for collies because they like their own space - mine goes willingly into his crate when he wants to relax lol

  4. Looks like he has some Collie in him...

  5. border collie and spaniel?

    maybe some corgi too?

  6. I would say in addition to Border Collie he has some Australian Shepard in him too. It looks like your guy doesn't have a tail and without a doubt that is a sign that tells me there is Aussie in there.

  7. First of all, you never use the cage as punishment AND he shouldn'tbe kept outside like that any length of time, one very important reason being the elements (weather= rain, unbearable heat, etc.).

    Now back to your question:  I'd say your handsome little guy is a cross between a collie and setter a (Gordon, perhaps).  Enjoy him and ask his vet on advice on housebreaking him!

  8. hes definitli got collie in him or sheepdog

  9. Almost HAS to be Border collie. So cute. I would say border collie but im stumped on the mix. i would probably have to see him in person. Very beautiful dog though

  10. Aussie Shepard

    Border Collie

    Saint Bernard  

  11. Border Collie and Breed of cute! Im not sure of the other one. Pretty sure about the BC.

  12. I would say St.Bernard and Border Collie or Australian shepherd.Why does he not have a dog house? He would get wet in that cage if it rained,and locking him in it all night won't teach him anything. Dogs don't understand 'overnight",they only understand "this minute." You correct the dog when you see him having an accident by saying "NO!" and then taking him outside right away.And stand there with him until he goes.

  13. Stay in a cage overnight as punishment?  How awful.  Even worse: it won't teach the dog anything.

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