
Do you know what happend with KFC?Did they go out of business,Any suggestions,Ideas?

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the reason why I asked is that the two kfc's close to where I live, have closed.




  1. there still around in southern California.

  2. go to and find on close to your house

  3. Ours are open

  4. There's one right down the street where I live in Phoenix, Arizona.

  5. No they have not. The are a franchise along with sister companies, Taco Bell, A & W and Long John Silver. With the economy the way it is people just do not have the $875,000 - $1,355,000 needed to get a KFC started.  Even with the poor economic times people still go for fast foods however they are hitting bargin and dollars menu's now. To own and operate a franchise is not an easy task. You have endless training expenses and advertising, permits required by county and also the wonderful monthly franchise fee. If business is down then layoffs are the next thing. The advertising is part of the contract so you can not stop that. After operationg in the red for months and putting a 2nd on your home and a 3rd borrowing from relatives and banks the next step is to l**k your wounds and call it a day. And it sucks but it is the real harse reality of being a business owner when you close the doors for good you have been defeated.

  6. there is still one 10 minutes away from my house.

  7. I was traveling through Kentucky, where KFC started, and I saw a KFC sign with just the picture of the cornel on it, no words depicting KFC.  I was thiking that if you live in Kentucky, you better know the cornel.

    Ha Ha!

  8. They are still around. The ones that closed probably were not making much money

  9. i live in northern wi and the guy that owned the 3 in the surrounding areas went bankrupt on them. it sucks really bad too cuz they tore the building down here and arbys is being built in that spot and opening in july. makes me angry. hopefully well get another though. they still have kfcs all over elsewhere though.

  10. in Connecticut they are still around but most of them have merged with taco bell, and have stores with both restaurants behind one counter

  11. The whole chain didn't go out of business. Maybe one nearby to you did..

  12. The Kentucky Fried Chicken has left my neighborhood, but I still see their commercials on t.v. They probably have down sized and have fewer restaurants.

  13. Still going strong in the Des Moines, Iowa area . . .

  14. They are still going strong in Kingston, Ma and Warren, OH.  Been to both in the past week- actually sis went to 1, and I went to the other.

  15. Not out of  business but are changing their menu to include grilled word on whether they would change the name to KGC..

    not likely

    We have Pollo Loco here in So Cal  (originally in Tijuana Mexico) and it has a lot of TV commercials...KFC has a whole sheet of coupons weekly.

    I cannot stomach KFC and the Pollo Loco always seems a bit underdone because it is broiled before it is cut up....

  16. No, they didn' are mistaken.

  17. KFC is doing well in Reno, NV.

  18. No, they are still open in my area.

  19. Not really...

  20. KFC didn't close. Some of them closed though, I have 2 in my town and 1 closed.

  21. They are still around the St.Louis MO. area.

  22. they are not out of business

  23. No, KFC has not gone out of business, but people who own the franchises do go out of business from time to time, just like any other business.  Sometimes the closings are tied to the economy of a certain area or the owners want to retire and can't sell their franchise, so they just close.

  24. not that I know of people would go crazy if they closed KFC down all around the world its the best chicken theres still alot of KFCs around in North Carolina

  25. They're still around. I can smell the cloying stench of rancid chicken fat every time I drive by it on St. Albert trail.

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