
Do you know what it means......? Ode to CS

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Pass The Grits, Please

Hours at a time picket fences

Sights smells flood my senses

And your words refresh the pages


Kings and Queens

New Orleans

Land of dreams lost

Found in the muddy mouth

Took me South to these waters

From sons and daughters to

Give them more than before

Less h**l than I had

More life than my Dad

Ever had the chance to show me

Yet he did bestow me with

The blood to course through

The thick bayou roux that

Covers my thoughts until now

When somehow you cleared my plate

And I sit sated at the table of life





  1. Clear the plate, then dishes...break out the poker pack and deal. 5 card draw.

    Yep, there's a new sheriff in town...his name is 'good poetry'.

  2. I love these poems Hydropro, they just zing along - having created one myself the other day I know how it kind of releases the subconscious and allows for the capture of tumbling thoughts....if you see what I mean.

    And amazingly it makes conveyed a clear picture of a way of life I can only experience by proxy.

    What I love is all the echoing rhyming running through

    fences/senses pages/sages Queens/Orlean/dreams (and lost and found - clever) mouth/south waters/daughters more/before...less, etc. etc. etc.

    I have a rhyming worm in my head that likes to be fed, nuff said.

    Great stuff

  3. CS deserves many tributes for her poignant writings on matters affecting her virtual friends. She digs deep, finds gold and shares it with us. Great words Rad!  

  4. well, ode to cs could be ode to counter strike (the video game)

    but i dont know what the rest of that is. i think that is written by rad081108

  5. This great City has affected the hearts and souls of all who were her natural children and as well as those she assimilated and protected, never asking their right to be there.  A very beautiful poem, HP.

  6. Well put together.

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