
Do you know what phone this is?

by Guest58075  |  earlier

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this cell phone shown below.

i might wanna buy one online,

so that's why i want to know.





  1. that would be an envy. my friend has one just like that. they spel it like enV or somehting. just a warning, if you drop it, the front screen breaks very easily and the pictures delay. you have to hold it there forever for it to take. idk if they are all like that but my friends is like that.

  2. its an envy. I think its actually spelled EnV or something like that. But yeah definently an envy.

  3. I think it's the verizon wireless envy. or the chocolate.

  4. that is the verizon [LG] enV. there is also an enV 2 ......but it is mor squareular........ but i love dat phone 2!!!!!

  5. Discontinued. But you can get one on ebay


  6. Sorry no.

  7. my sister has it! its an env the first one though

  8. It is a Verizon Env. Sorry, it has been discontinued. You may be able to get one off of Ebay or maybe even a local Walmart but you can't buy it anymore from most places.

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