
Do you know what sod tastes like?

by  |  earlier

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Sorry for ewd, this just wanted to flow like it is.

North Dakota Sod

Sod has a distinctive taste, even a seasonal flavor.

It gives off these flavors to remind you…

remind you of your roots, your relationship, of what you steward.

The winds are the plates that carry these tastes to you.

And speaking of winds…they carry a lot up here.

Seldom a day without extra plates appearing!

Maybe its God’s way of stirring his soil

or keeping the mosquitoes to a manageable many!

So, go ahead and take a breath, smell its flavor.

Yawn, and you get a helping or two.

Here in the valley it’s rich, black and hearty,

farther west, grainy, sandy…sod for antelope and cows.

But only in springtime does it seem to stay at home.

Perhaps the need to regenerate more food to keep it strong,

or to show you how pretty it can be with its green shades

of silken, flowing fabrics, moving like giant, horizontal flags.

Then like magic it changes its coat to gold, rich golden gold.

Miles of it. Dotted with some trees and farms and telephone poles.

Its saying, “Come, take of me, replenish your stores, I give freely now.”

So you harvest and in return you churn the land to re-feed, and repay.

Then, suddenly these rich flavors seem to sour, become bitter, harsh and

as grayness overcomes, cold bites and sideway winds abrade your face.

You will smell fear now, if you wander too long over the sod.

There are no favorites played out there, in that winter land of cold.

But survive long enough though, upon this sod, and you will become a part.

For the richness that yields so much also feeds you…your body and your soul.

And when it comes time to bid farewell, it gladly welcomes you home.

North Dakota sod.




  1. Lovely. There's something about this place, isn't there.

  2. sod but true -golden gold?-enjoyed ty

  3. You have a farmers soul.Beautifully written, I could smell the earth and feel the dirt on my hands and under my fingernails.

  4. Wonderfully written Neon...this affects the senses. I get the smell, I can see the pictures dark, sober and grey and can feel the same under my skin. Language and words must flow this way....

  5. The country fella/gal, that wanders off the land of birth,

    carrys with them this taste of earth, that feeds all senses, to

    recall and relish, and as it's said, home is where your heart is.

    and, you can't go home again! They just never meet the poet

    Neonman! Bravo!

  6. I was hoping you would let us know where this sod grows...

  7. Once, while hunting for a few fossils in the Bad Lands, I learned to taste the soil...when you found that salty, bitter taste of the ancient ocean, you knew you were there.  I taste it now.  Thanks.

  8. "Hi!",

    Brilliantly written. Your teaching me new things every day.


    Cheers : )

  9. This has rich imagery. You are permitted the EWD this one time.

  10. now this is how to use words!

    really really nice Neonman.

    it has that full circle part

    you have shown me to try.

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