
Do you know what talent you have?

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What's your talent?

Some are obvious like singing, dancing, drawing, acting....

Do you know yours? Did you explore it before you found out you are good in that craft?




  1. for me, talents not talent that i have, that's my perception of me.

    Inventor, innovator, all around gamer, etc…

    My talents are more than J. Rizal’s he had but why nobody willing to make a reflection of my persona  as a statue.

  2. Yes I know what talent I have, I found out several years ago and I have been doing it ever since, it is building unusual, visual and interactive Christmas decorations. and yes I did explore it and the more I did the more complicated my decorations became.but its something I love doing and its something the people love to keep coming back to see.

  3. Unfortunately, I got no "talent".

    I love the Arts but I don't have the hands to paint, draw or..and well.. I suck in photography.

    I don't have a singing voice or good pair of feet for dancing. I tried, no luck!

    I explored and explored but I just don't have one!

  4. no sorry... i create web pages..

  5. I haven't really discovered mine that much yet... but I can do arts and crafts... I express all my feelings whenever I do art, either drawing, painting, etc... I also sing sometimes... I can sing when no can here me, jejeje...

  6. my leadership ability..i've proven this to myself many times and i excel in it..

    and in public speaking as well.  

  7. I can sing and I developed this talent since I was 5 years old singing some old "kundiman".

    Then another one is painting which I discovered when I joined a painting contest during my high school days.

  8. God gave me a beautiful ability to encourage people who lost confidence in themselves, at their lowest point, those who lost hope, low self esteem, the down trodden,under dogs,rejected and despised and the least of society.

    I love to lift spirits high, I love to point out the vulnerability of those who appear strong and accomplished to strengthen the hearts and minds of the weak.

    I can also sing. I am not as charismatic as many celebrities but I do have a voice that attracts attention.

  9. editing. yes, i first started editing without knowing the uses of each bruchs and etc. but i learned. and so know, i am skillful at it.

    i am also good at acting. i am best as a baby, childish, spoiled-rich guy, and a freak.

  10. talent/s should always be explored! check out

  11. o dont think i have one, not everyone does no matter what your teachers say

  12. Allow me to "buhat-buhat my own bangko" (carry my bench? hahaha) ---

    1.  I can sing (yes in the shower and at the 3rd row of the church choir)

    2.  I can dance (thank God it's dark on the dance floor)

    3.  I can sew (oh yes I can!  Singer has this machine that allows me to do so many things with just a flick of the button)

    4.  I can write poetry, essays, research papers, and maybe even novels  (I just need more time! hehehe)

    what else?

    5.  I can chop chop too!  not in kitchen though.

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