
Do you know what the law is regarding seat belts?

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I took 3 over 60's out in the back of my car and one of them refused to wear a belt. Was it my responsibility to make her wear it?




  1. you said it!! its up to you to make them wear it!! as its YOU that will get the fines and points on license!! if they refuse tell them to get out simple as that

  2. You should check your state law. I don't think it was your fault if you politely asked her to buckle up. If she was 60 than she must have been able to take responsibility for herself. It was her responsibility that she neglected, and it would be unfair for you to get a ticket if you asked her to wear it.

  3. Yes it is.

    Any and all passengers or passenger needs to ride only in seating areas equipped with seat belts which must be used and is the responsibility of the driver, which includes prohibiting passengers from riding in the cargo areas of pick-ups.

  4. my god why are half you lot on the road, page 32 new highway code THE LAW, and same as the old highway code, if fitted all passengers over 14 MUST wear a belt. the fine goes to the passenger if not worn, yet fitted,

    HIGHWAY CODE BOOK £2.50 get reading

  5. Regardless of the age of the passengers, the driver is LEGALLY responsible to make sure they wear a seatbelt.

  6. I think a passenger over 14 is responsible for his or herself safety regarding belts. As a driver you are only responsible for under 14's.

    If you feel that the passenger should have warn the belt maybe you should consider telling someone else so they could convince them . It doesn't seem fair to just force them.

  7. i don't think so, i think your only responsible for under 14 yrs

  8. Yes- It is the Law.

    What if they were kids- would that have been any different?

    If you were in a accident and they were hurt, you as the driver of the car would be held responsable.

    If a Cop saw you, as the driver, YOU would get the ticket. ("click it or ticket" is the slogan here in Cali)

    Also- unbelted people can also be "flying" people, and harm others in the way if you are in a crash- and it is the unbelted people that almost always die- even when others walk away without a scratch.

    My Grandparents never wanted to buckle up when they got in the car with us, and my parents refused to start the car and go until everyone was buckled up. They were "put out" at first, but my parents were driving, and it was "my car my rules" and that is the way it is.

    It is harder for older people to get this sometimes. They grew up in a era that didn't have seatbelts most of the time- the cars didn't even COME with seatbelts- let alone have a law about using them. They are required, and if you are driving them, tell them that as a responceable driver you will not drive when you are drunk, when you are tired, or when others in the car are not buckled up.

    It is better to make them mad, than to have them die (or you get a huge fine)

  9. As the driver of the car you are responsible for all the passengers in the car. There for you as the driver will be held responsible by the police if they pull you over.


  10. Speaking for NYC, the seat belt law is as follows:

    All vehicle occupants under the age of 16 MUST wear their seat belt, or the DRIVER of the vehicle is responsible for the summons.

    Anyone over the age of 16 not wearing a seat belt will bear the responsibility of the summons.

    Any child not secured in an appropriate child seat, the driver will be penalized +3 points along with the fine.

    While it's not your responsibility to make her wear it, it's your responsibility to remind her WHY she should wear it (safety, financial reasons, whatever). You could do what some of the posters said and take the hard line and just not drive her around. Your car, your rules.

  11. here where i live if you aredriving a car and someone is with you in the car then they better be wearing a belt... and yes its your responsibitly for anyone in your car

  12. Depends on what state you are in. Seatbelt laws are different state by state. In Arizona, you would not have that responsibility, but the law states that if she was injured, she may not get all the money for it as she contributed to the injuries via negligence. Of course, you could have allowed her to walk, which is what i would have done.  No seatbelts in my car equals no ride in my car.

  13. Yes it was your responsibility - more to the point in an accident she would have been catapulted through to the front and probably have killed you. No seatbelt means people should use the bus, they certainly wouldn't have been in my car! If you had been stopped by the police - it is you that would have been in trouble.

  14. Yes, as the driver, it is your responsibility to make sure all your passengers are wearing seat belts. If that happens again, tell whoever who refuses to wear one, that you will not start the car until he/she does.


  16. I believe it is your responsibility to make all your passengers belt up.

  17. Yes it will be you that's prosecuted.

    If they are fitted then they must be worn, No excuses.

    I think that you are allowed to undo the belt if you are reversing. !!!!

  18. No, they are responsable, but if they refused in my car they would walk.

  19. You are not responsible for a passenger over the age of 14 who refuses to wear a seatbelt. The person who doesn't wear a seatbelt is the one who will be fined if caught by the police. You also have to keep a seatbelt on if sitting in a stationery car. This is in case some dope hits you from behind.

  20. In the UK you are only responsible for children. Adults who refuse to wear them would be the ones getting the ticket from mr.plod not you.

  21. Some states are now transferring the responsibility to the driver, which I don't agree with, but they never seem to be interested in my opinion these days.

  22. If the vehicle has seatbelts they should be worn, however, the driver is only legally responsible to ensure that children wear belts.  If an OAP refused to wear one, you would not be liable in the event of an accident etc.

    Lots of different ages quoted here - in UK it's 13

  23. check the laws in your state my state passengers over 14 do not have to have them on

  24. in the uk  it is only up to you if they are children  to wear a seatbelt  other wise its down to the individual

  25. No....not your responsibility but wise to advise all to wear seatbelts.  You as the driver are responsible for anyone under 14 years of age to use the correct restraint, seat, belt etc.

  26. No, you are only responsible for ensuring that people 16 and under wear them!!!

    Reading all the different responses, just goes to show that the requirements to wear seatbelts, is different in various states, provinces and countries.

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