
Do you know what the two main differences are between a cheetah and a lepard?

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bet you don't !




  1. cheetah runs, leopard climb trees.

    Cheetah has simple spots on fur, leopards have rosettes

  2. cheetah is having a certain dog-like characteristics, often trained for hunting deer/antelope. A long-legged, swift-running wild cat (Acinonyx jubatus) of Africa and southwest Asia, having tawny, and non-retractile claws. it is the fastest animal on land, can run for short distances at about 96 kilometers (60 miles) per hour while, a leopard is a large black spotted Asian and African carnivore, Panthera pardus, of the cat family,usually the Old World panther

  3. Check your spelling next time, you don't even know the spelling of leopard.

    Leopards have rosettes, Cheetahs only have spots.

    Cheetahs are faster than leopards.

    Leopards are bigger.

    Plain and simple.

    There are more differences.

  4. Though both are members of the cat family, Felidae, they are entirely different species in different genera.

    The leopard (Panthera pardus) is found across Asia and Africa and is the most widespread and adaptable of the large cats. They are excellent climbers, and often haul their prey into trees to keep it safe from other predators such as lions or hyenas. 'Black panthers' are simply melanistic leopards - that is, leopards with an excess of the dark pigment melanin, resulting in an almost totally black coat (the markings will still show up against the background in certain lights). Melanism is more common in Asia than in Africa. Leopards are more heavily-built and shorter than cheetahs, with a longer head and spots arranged in small rings. Here's a leopard image:

    Cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) are the fastest-running animals on Earth, reaching speeds of over 60mph. Their entire body is built for speed - they are tall and slender, with long slim legs and a long tail, which helps them make turns at high speed. The head is small and rounded, with distinctive black 'tear-marks' running from the inner corner of each eye to the corner of the mouth. Unlike those of other cats, their claws are only partially retractile, helping them grip the ground when running. Their spots are solid black. The vast majority of cheetahs are found in Africa, though there is a small relict population of around 30 animals in Iran. Here's a cheetah image:

    In response to Aimee M's answer, the snow leopard (Uncia uncia) and clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) are completely different species to the leopard. Their common names come from the similarity of their markings to the leopard's - they are not particularly closely related, and are certainly not subspecies of leopard.

  5. Sure I do.  As a biologist, I have little personal interest in big cats that are not native to North America.

    One of the most noticeable difference is the body form and the length of the legs.  The cheetah has longer legs and a body form similar to a greyhound.  The leopard is more compact and stout, made for climbing.  Of course another obvious difference is the coat coloration.  The cheetah's spots are smaller and not grouped.  The leopards spots are large and are formed in groups, usually 3.

  6. yes, chetahs can run up to 60 miles per hour. they cannot climb trees very well, and are very bad at swimming.

    leopards are experts at climbing trees and amazing swimmers. they cant run as fast as cheetahs. there are many types of leopard- snow, clouded etc, but only 1 type of cheetah.

    also cheetahs have longer legs, leopards much bigger and longer tails that they both use for balance!

  7. Yes, but there's more than two, so you pick 'em:

    Leopard has retractable claws.  Cheetah does not.

    Leopard has large spots.  Cheetah has many small spots.

    Leopard hunts by stealth.  Cheetah hunts by running down its prey.

    Cheetah can run 60 MPH.  Leopard cannot.

    Cheetah eats on the ground.  Leopard takes its prey up into the trees.

    Cheetah has been trained and kept as pets since the time of the Pharoahs.  Leopard has not.

    Cheetah is light in weight, while a Leopard is heavier.

    Cheetah has long legs.  Leopard does not.

  8. Hey Twinkle toesy... Never saw so many experts answer Q. Yep either make good pets.

  9. genetic differance between them

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