
Do you know what this rash could be?

by  |  earlier

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My 2 yr old nephew has these spotty rashes on his joints(elbows and knees,shoulders)and was wondering whether you have come across this before,




  1. could be a reaction, chicken pox, mealses, or slapped cheack its hard to know see what the doc says ...

  2. You can`t make a diagnosis on Yahoo Answers. Please take the kid to the doctor`s.  

  3. If it is in the skin folds (i.e. behind the knee or inside the elbow) it is probably heat rash.  Try a tepid bath and make sure he is thoroughly dried in all his little folds. You can use a bit of baby powder but only a tiny bit and not near his face.  My daughter gets this under her chin so what I do is after I have washed and dried her I blow on this area very gently until it is completely dry.  She loves it - it makes her giggle!!

  4. Probably excema or signs of phorisis.

  5. sounds like the start of EX Meir sorry can't spell it

    time to go to the Doctors

  6. it could be heat rash or the start of exema,,,, if its only just come up try puttin him in a luke warm bath with a capful of vinegar  its an old wives tale but it does help to bring any undelying spots tothe surface

  7. Maybe excema or heat rash.  But only a doctor can tell you for sure  :)

  8. Hi,

        Yahoo Answers should not really be used to give medical advice as it always best to see a doctor about medical concerns you have.

    However, it could be eczma or heat rash but it hard to know.

      If it causing him pain or he has other symptoms and your relatives distressed then take him straight to A&E. That what they there for and always best to be safe than sorry!


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