
Do you know what those old phones are called- they have the old number dial things (the kind of dial you spin)

by  |  earlier

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on the bottom of the phone. youre supposed to set them onto a table or hard surface and when you pick them up, its "off the hook" and you can hear the dial tone and on the bottom is the number dial wheel thing... this is a terrible description.... but if you have any idea what i am trying to say do you know where i could buy one or what they are callled?? again, they are some old fashion phone...




  1. Those are called "rotary" phones. Be forewarned that most phone service providers require you to have your service set up specially for rotary phones, since they don't generate tones when you spin a number like touch-tone phones do. Basically, any feature that requires you to be able to dial a number to do something depends on "hearing" certain tones coming over the line, and a rotary phone only gives off a bunch of clicks when you dial on it, so you'll want to have a touch-tone phone setup handy for when you call any place that has a "press 1 for this, press 2 for that" menu.

  2. Wow!  Now I really feel old!  I used a phone like that for most of my life!  :)

  3. Rotary Phones


    Candlestick Phones

    Bakelite Phones

  4. rotary

  5. They are called rotary phones.

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