
Do you know whats going on in your mind?

by  |  earlier

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So I try and be true to myself like the rest of you.

But what if how i look at myself was the way I wanted to look at myself?

Example: I admit in my mind "okay im going to ask this question because i really dont know the answer" But.. deeper inside maybe im thinking "Im so intelligent because i can look at myself this way so im going to show it the world" and... i my intentions might be to impress you by giving you this example.. idk what the truth is anymore




  1. Its not possible to know what youre thinking.  Believe it or not.

    You cannot ever observe yourself in thought.

    You can know what you were thinking a microsecond ago.  You can remember that much.  You can remember what you were thinking five seconds ago.

    And you can be "in thought" now.

    But you cannot ever be in immediate observation of concurrent thought.  Its just not possible.

    Trying to observe the thought changes the thought.  Trying to observe what you are thinking forces you into a state of analyzing what you "just were" thinking.

    The process of analysis and the subject of analysis are always different.  If youre observing thought, then your observing memory of past thought.

    All we have is our memories... both of events in life and of our thoughts and feelings about them.

  2. My pyschiatrist tells me there are in fact three levels of cognitive function. The concious mind, which is aware of itself, the subconcious mind which contains our "hidden agendas" and the primitive mind which looks after basic biological needs. Is he right? My concious mind says "probably", my subconcious says "more proof would be required. My primitive mind says "want coffee now".

  3. the whole world is based on perception. and what we perceive is real at least to us. i think therefore i am.

  4. my ego is very busy. sounds like yours is also.  You might try to just sit and breathe.  Quiet the mind because it is much like any other gland and it produces thoughts as it's product, not all have to be reacted on nor do they have to hold any significant meaning.

  5. Focus! u're confused n shaking.

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