
Do you know when you hate christians you fulfill bible prophecy?

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I hear so much anger and hate toward Christians, the word "Christians"

comes from Christ or Christ like meaning like a name sake, much like naming a child after a love one but in this case a whole group.

Luke 21:17 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake.

Luke 6:22 Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake.

23 Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets.

so when we see this happening like in R/S all the time is this yet more proof of Bible prophecy being fulfilled?




  1. It doesn't take a psychic to predict that people in the future will hate pushy religious people.

  2. LOL It's nice to have a magic book with a built-in escape clause, for when that evil logic starts to threaten its ridiculous rhetoric.

  3. We should expect it.

  4. Of course they know! That is why they hate.

  5. Yes, what happens on one insignificant forum in the corner of the Internet is justifiable proof that a prophecy is being fulfilled.

    *rolls eyes*

  6. Correcting Christians when they are wrong does not equal "hate".

  7. The jews were hated throughout large portions of history. Christianity rose from that tradition (although the NT largely comes from Mithra dogma). It was a reasonable assumption that christians would be hated, for one reason or another. So because people don't like you forcing your beliefs on them and spreading lies it fulfills prophecy? You know the Messianic prophecies called for someone who was of the blood of david, but jesus's genealogies only show him related on Josephs side. He didn't fulfill the prophices he was sopposed to so the rest of the NT doesn't really matter.

  8. yea the bible says expect to be ridiculed for your beliefs, because even back then, the people who wrote the books knew that other people would realize how ridiculous the beliefs are; thats where faith and fear comes in  

  9. That is what is called a self fulfilling prophecy.

  10. no.. i dont hate you.... i dont think most of the atheist here hate you either. we just think you are being controlled by something that has been controlling people for 3000 years.

    thats fear

    fear of not being important enough to live forever. christianity is no different than the religions that it followed or it preceeded. people have been trying to live forever since man became self-aware.

    so no i dont hate you.....( i hate my neighbor... lol... but hes and total idiot that is mean to anyone he encounters.. i dont know if hes religious :)

    i do not like having my life controlled by your religions ideals though...

    i use to believe for 27 years... then i looked around and saw how people of faith continued to treat each other and realized that if there was a god there.. he would allow his followers to be better at dealing with each other and humanity

    i realized faith ends up being control on this planet anyways

    hope you have a great day tho

  11. Yes

  12. I have no idea what those Bible verses are saying.  

    If God was true, then he would put in there how much fun it is to make fun of Christians.  So, God's not true.

    Use some LOGIC.

    I'm Atheist!

  13. EVERYTHING fulfills bible prophecy.  That's the beauty of prophecies, you can find links everywhere if you look hard enough.

  14. nothing like a prediction that has been coming true for 2000 years

  15. What? It predicted that people who go around pushing their religion on others, and who harp on about homosexuals and evolution, would be disliked? Truly amazing.

    Many Christians are fine by me. It's the irritating "my way or the highway" Christians that I dislike.

  16. Cool!!

    we don't care.

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