
Do you know where Assisi is? If you do would you visit and why?

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Do you know where Assisi is? If you do would you visit and why?




  1. go to assisi!!  it's beautiful and it only requires an afternoon (if you're worried about time).  i hiked up to the castle which has a great view of the valley, and my favorite gift to get my catholic friends is this rosary that they sell there; the beads are made from the rose bushes in assissi and they smell like roses!!  they're in every gift shop, very unique and they're cheap!!

  2. Assisi is an Italian City (Umbria)

    Is a very beautiful city and very fomouse for San francesco.

    I'm italian, i've visited assisi and I strongly suggest you to visiti it.

    If you want you can also have a trip in the various city near assisi: all off them are very beautifl

    Have a good trip

  3. Assisi is a little town in Umbria region, it is in the centre of Italy between Toscana region (Tyrrhenian sea) and Marche region (Adriatic sea, the sea of Venice). There's many things to visit. First the two 'basilicas'. They are built one over the other, so we call them 'basilica inferiore' and 'basilica superiore'. Here there's the S.Francis grave. The Basilicas are full of frescoes of some important painters: Giotto, Pietro Lorenzetti, Simone Martini. At the top of the territory there is 'La Rocca', the middle aged castle. Other thing are to visit, but to be not so long, an excursion (4 km) to 'l'Eremo delle Carceri' (Prisons Hermitage) you can left enchanted because of the entire site, the internal visit, the nature around it. Don't forget, on the road to go there, you can find a very tasty restaurant, regional food and wine, it's 'La Stalla', (The Stable).

  4. I'm italian... Assisi is in Umbria, a region in the centre of Italy... it's nice, not too big. There's a famous cathedral but nothing special =)

  5. I went to Assisi over the summer and it was absolutely breathtaking! The town is so quaint and adorable. The town square was where everything took place, at night everyone gathers there and it is like a fun party. The town itself if great, pretty hilly, but gorgeous. You have to visit the Church of Saint Francis of course and try to visit San Damiano, there are other places to visit as well. The surrounding region is gorgeous, rolling hills and sunflowers everywhere! I recommend you stay at the Fontebella Hotel, it is just a short walk from everything and the rooms are spacious and have gorgeous views, the people there are also fantastic! I hope you decide to visit, it is worth while.

  6. You will find Assisi is in Italy. I would love to go as I have heard a lot about St Francis of Assisi and his  great love for little animals and birds.

  7. The remains of Saint Francis are kept here by the monastic order he founded in the 13th century. The Franciscans differ from other monastic orders in that they live an absolute life of piety and utter devotion to the poor. We visited and were overwhelmed by the serene atmosphere of the crypt where St. Francis lies. As other answerers have said, it's in Umbria and Asissi is on the Italian mainline rail network.

    If you follow the link below you can see a picture of the stunning church.

  8. Assisi is in Umbria Italy theres lots to do like going to the church, sit and watch people go by or window shop in the towns little streets it beautiful.

  9. in the umbrian region of central italy, where st francis was born, it is near the city of perugia.

  10. Assisi is in Italy and is a beautiful place, well worth a visit. It is where St Francis came from, ie St Francis of Assisi, he is the patron saint of animals.

  11. Assisi is in Umbria in the province of Perugia. I've never been there but some friends of mine have and they said it is just beautiful and emotional. I'm not much of a religious but I can understand the feeling it must give the cathedral. It consists of two floors and you can find amazing frescoes there. Try to imagine the people building it at the time. And the monastery. How fascinating. Go there if you can, and enjoy it!!

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