
Do you know where Le château de Chambord is located????

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and do you know who was built by?




  1. Just off the A-10 autoroute (take the Exit N-16  and then the D-112 road) a few miles northeast of Blois. It is located in the Foret de Boulogne. In Sologne, in the Departement de Loire et Cher.

    One of the most magnificent palaces in France, the architect is not known, though the "shadow" of Leonardo Da Vinci.flows over it as"official architecteur" and personal friend of François I.... Leonardo died just before the buildings construction began.

    François 1er. had it built, though afterwards he seldom visited it for more than a few weeks.  It is said that 1800 workmen were needed; starting in 1519 and taking over 30 years to complete it.

  2. Are you asking to test us, or because you need the info?  This was a pretty easy Yahoo search, actually...

    In truth, I figured it was in Chambord even before I did the search, but I suppose that's a given.  

    It's in the Loire Valley...Who it was built by appears to be under some contention...

  3. Near of Blois in the south of Paris

    official touristical informations here :

    the name of the architech is unknow but we know that Leonardo Da Vinci inflences this architecture of this Chateau

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