
Do you know where McCain stands on women's health issues?

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I new it was bad but I didn't realize it was THAT bad!




  1. "women's health issues" is a term known only to Democrats. Republicans think in terms of PEOPLE'S health issues. Please notice the difference as it's fundamental to understanding our political parties

    KEEP the Change!!! '08.

  2. I've never heard him say a word about it.

  3. He wants to do away with Roe vs Wade - that's all I need to know.  Not one to think about having an abortion - but I sure as h**l don't one my President or anyone else telling me what I can or can not do with my body!!

  4. I was going to support him until I heard him say he wanted to pack the court with more anti choice right wingers.

    That did it for me.

    I'm holding my nose and going with Obama.

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