
Do you know where Somalia is?

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How many people actually know where Somalia is -without looking at the map




  1. ya Africa

    not my firrt choice for a get away spot.

    check the upto date news on whats going on there currently apart from the killing and stuff

    via source

  2. Yes, it's in East Africa (the Horn), and shares borders with Djibouti, Ethiopia and Kenya.

  3. on the east coast of arica,  bordering kenya and ethiopia,there is always fighting there, very dangerous.

  4. Magacaa?

  5. yeah in African duh lol

  6. Yeah it used to be called London

  7. Yes . its in Africa near the bottom left side of the Red Sea. Look for the "horn of Afica"

  8. Yeah. Another third rate African he**hole I'll never even fly over if I can avoid it.

    Possibly the site of our next war. It'd be Obama's version of Bosnia. War for humanitarian reasons.

    EDIT- Nope. Never been there. I like to stay where the food is.

    I've also never been to h**l, but I'm sure I wouldn't like it.

    Any place where they butcher each other as a national pass time gets a big pass from me. No offense, but why would anyone go there? At least until they get their collective act together.

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