
Do you know where can i buy cheaper machines in producing coconut cooking oil?particularly in the Philippines?

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Do you know where can i buy cheaper machines in producing coconut cooking oil?particularly in the Philippines?




  1. It is not possible to give you an answer to your question as to what would "cheaper" if we don't know what you are using now.  Also there several methods of making different grades of coconut oil, and we don't know which you are currently using.  Maybe this site can give you the answer you need.  Good Luck.

  2. Interesting question!  But it also raised other questions.  Cheaper coconut oil producing machines compared to what? In short we need a basis for comparison.  Then we can give a rational answer.

    We also need to know the target production volume.  The Philippine Coconut Authority can help.  So can the Philippine Department of Science and Technology (DOST).

    I can e-mail you details about the nearest office closest to you but you have to tell me where you are.

  3. car bussness

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