
Do you know where online I can find match lists for medical residencies?

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Specifically for med schools in California... but really anything would be helpful.




  1. There is a national list that matches physicians with their residencies.  Your school should be helping you do that.  That is what my school told me during my interview.

  2. Some medical schools publish general match lists online--you'd have to check each individual school.    Some residencies do the same thing in reverse with their incoming classes, and again, you would have to search by school.  Just Google "Match List + School/Residency Name" and see what comes up.

    If what you want is overall national stats, the previous poster gave you the right link.

    My med school didn't publish the match list online, probably because of privacy concerns.  But when I Googled it, I did come up with a list of residents at Brown this year (  Then I looked for other local schools (I'm in NY) and found, for example, that Einstein's match list is completely public online and Columbia's is online but password-protected so only alums can open it.

    I also think that if you are in the process of application, the schools will be happy to provide you with their recent class stats.

  3. may work if you didn't get what you wanted from .

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