
Do you know where the nearest fallout shelter is?

by  |  earlier

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do you think it's time again to find out?




  1. No. Russia doesn't want to be utterly obliterated. Our missiles remain ever at the ready to assure destruction should any Russian finger be foolhardy enough to attempt a preemptive launch.

  2. Maybe the schools should start teaching duck and cover again..LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

  3. Yes, I know where located. We need to get back in the minset of learning these things as world is more dangerous now then it was back in the 60' snad 70's and 80's.

    We will strike first and we do and have and will again. We just better get it together and get out of Iraq so our military can re-up so that it is ready to go into other battles

  4. no, but i am assuming that they are the same as tornado shelters.

  5. something we should know..

  6. It's in your mommy's basement, run I think I hear her calling you.

  7. well they have one at all post offices. but you'll probably never make it in time.

  8. Yes, but I'm not telling you!

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