
Do you know where you can find hip 'teenage' glasses for my 13 year old sister?

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My sister has recently gotten glasses since she got her eyes checked in the summer. She's depressed since she thinks glasses are geeky- I need help to see if I can cheer her up by showing her different 'un-geeky' brand of glasses.

Thanks! :)




  1. Most stores have "hip" glasses.  Take her there and talk to a technician.  They know what's hip.

  2. In our office, teens are grabbing the D&C frames off the shef!  They are really cute.  Very stylish, some have a little "bling" on them.  We have teens begging their parents for them even if they dont need glasses! Check out this site:

    The right one in the fifth row down is our biggest seller for teens!

    Hope this helps!

  3. My mom got some ultra cute frames from target for like $45. They are adorable. But tell your sister this. I think that she will be really cool because I don't have glasses (and I don't need any) but I wish I had them. I think of glasses as being another accessory! Maybe she should think that too! Try different outfits or shoes that might complement your glasses, or if you are REALLY bummed about glasses and you just think you look like the biggest geek ever, get contacts!

    Hope I helped!

  4. i used to have a pair of those swissflex glasses where u could choose the color, but those don't have frames

    designer brands like dior or kate spade and stuff could be cute if they're not too expensive

    it really just depends what her style is but i personally recommend just going to a glasses shop and getting someone to help u they would no what would be 'hip' and she can pick out what she likes there

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