
Do you know which surah this ayat if from?

by  |  earlier

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It goes something like "and hold fast to the rope of Allah, and be not seperated". I sort of forgot it, if you know the full ayat, can you please post it in arabic, along with the name of surah its from? thank you =)




  1. It's in Al E Imraan 3:103

    And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude Allah's favour on you; for ye were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His Grace, ye became brethren; and ye were on the brink of the pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus doth Allah make His Signs clear to you: That ye may be guided.

    sorry i can't post it in arab:-(

    @ yeah yeah Prince, you were faster! Inshallah i'll beat you to it a next time and get my revenge!! :-p

  2. Surah Al Imran verse 103

    This is the full verse translated:

    And hold fast, all together, by the rope which God (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude God's favour on you; for ye were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His Grace, ye became brethren; and ye were on the brink of the pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus doth God make His Signs clear to you: That ye may be guided.

    @Sunflower, I posted it first, you got the same source :D :D :D

    The translation is done by respected Yusuf Ali


    @Sunflower  We will see :D

  3. Why Suunis do not know this Verse?

    Because this does not glorify their false gods AbuBaker and Umer.

    Sunnis deny Quran.

    "Hold fast, all of you together, to the cord of Allah"-gives a mental impression that a rope is hanging from the heaven so that those who are lying down on the ground (earth) may climb up, by holding it, in the presence of the Lord to seek His nearness.

    Abu Sa-id Khudri reports that he heard the Holy Prophet saying:

    I leave behind me, among you, two ropes. If my people hold fast to these two ropes, after me, they shall not go astray. They are the book of Allah, hung from the heaven unto the earth, and my Ahl ul Bayt. One of them is greater than the other. Be it known that these two shall never be separated from each other; and joined together, they shall meet me at the spring of Kawthar.

    (Tafsir Kabir and Durr al Manthur) The other similar declaration of the Holy Prophet, known as hadith al thaqalayn, has been mentioned on page 6.

    The Holy Prophet has also said:

    My Ahl ul Bayt, among you, are like the ark of Nuh. He who sails on it will be safe, but he who holds back shall perish.

    There are several traditions of the Holy Prophet, mentioned on page 5 and 6, which confirm, beyond doubt, that Muhammad and ali Muhammad were the natiq Quran and the revealed book of Allah is the samit Quran (see commentary of al Baqarah: 2).

    The Holy Prophet has said:

    Verily the Quran has been revealed in seven letters. There is no letter which has not an evident and a latent meaning; and verily Ali knows the evident as well as the latent.

    (Itiqan-Sahih Bukhari)

    Also refer to urwatil wuthqa in al Baqarah: 256.

    The holding fast to the book of Allah and "Muhammad and ali Muhammad" means total attachment with and devotion to them because all good generates from this act which enables man to rise upward and reach nearness to Allah. The life of the Holy Prophet and his Ahl ul Bayt is the best example of the teachings of the Quran.

    "Do not become disunited"-Those who rely on and make use of theories and methods formulated and put in practice by mortal men, by avoiding or neglecting the commandments of Allah and the teachings of the Holy Prophet and his Ahl ul Bayt, are bound to go astray and create discord and disagreement among the united community of the believers.

    This sentence warns the Muslims not to misinterpret the verses of the Quran or have doubts about the authority of the Holy Prophet and his Ahl ul Bayt to explain the true meanings of the word of Allah, because these two are the inseparably interwoven cord of Allah; else they will be divided into several sects. So to remain on the right path shown by the Holy Prophet follow him and his Ahl ul Bayt in letter and spirit.

    In Minhaj al Sadiqin it is written that once, Jalut, the chief rabbi, along with some of his very learned disciples, came to Ali ibna abi Talib to prove that Islam was not a true religion of God.

    The first question Ali asked was:

    "Do you know the number of sects the followers of Musa were divided into after his departure?"

    "I will have to refer to the book", he replied.

    "You are a rabbi, yet do not know what is written in your book. What will you do if your book is lost?" Ali asked.

    Jalut referred to his book and said that there were 45 sects.

    "You are wrong. I know the Tawrat and the Injil. The followers of Musa were divided into 71 sects, out of which only one is on the right path. Also the followers of Isa were divided into 71 sects, out of which only one is on the right path. The followers of our prophet will be divided into 73 sects, out of which only one will be on the right path and the rest will be among the losers."

    Earlier the Holy Prophet had also said the same about his and Musa's followers. When asked as-to which sect of his followers is on the right path, he put his hand on the shoulder of Ali and said:

    "This man and his descendants and their followers." Then he recited this verse:

    "You became brothers by His grace"-Deadly warfare in pre-islamic Arabia has been proverbial, and pagan Arabia, divided into hostile clans and tribes, presented the sight of a veritable armed camp. In the time of ignorance, hostility was embittered with the rancour of civil faction. The recital of an obsolete feud, in prose or verse, was sufficient to rekindle the same passion among the descendants of the hostile tribes. In private life, every man, at best every family, was the judge and avenger of its own cause. A petty affront or unpremeditated blow involved whole tribes and tracts of country in protracted and bloody strife. It was the Holy Prophet who introduced and implanted into the anarchical society of his time sentiments of brotherhood, sense of meaningful life and consciousness of rights and duties towards one another. In this way the Holy Prophet united together classes and tribes that hitherto had been continually at feud with one another. Within a brief span of time, he called forth out of uncompromising material a nation never united before, bound in common faith, suppressing every distinction of race and kindred, and regarding each other as brothers, by active efforts and the immaculate pattern of his personal way of life, which mere preaching could never accomplish. It was the genius of the Holy Prophet which not only united wild enemies to create a universal brotherhood composed of all men of every race, who would obey and worship one God and follow the teachings and guidance of His prophet, but also made them vie with each other in generous emulation of courage and fidelity.

    "Haply or so that" indicate that the creation of brotherhood was not an end in itself, but it was a pre-requisite to follow the true guidance kept alive through the holy Ahl ul Bayt, in every age, till the day of resurrection.

    Only the mischievous mind of the Ahmadi scholar can translate habl as covenant and nar as strife, otherwise not even a far-fetched implication gives any room for such misinterpretation.

  4. zipety doo da

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