
Do you know who is the best lawyer in U.K. or London especially for a case of mobbing?

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It consists of or includes the harmful treatment of or the putting of harmful pressure on an employee, often with the intention and effect of inducing him to leave.




  1. Your passport, and a ticket out of the country.

    Any person ever subjected to such an experience, is never in any condition to take any action against any employer.  If they were in such a condition, then they would be no case to answer. Lawyers everywhere, make money from large corporations in the main.  I would suggest that you look for a lawyer, with no employer, working on his/her own from his/her parents house.  

    In other words, an unemployed, and very poor lawyer is what you are looking for if you wish to be successful.

    I strongly recommend a passport, and a ticket out of the country.

  2. Do you mean mugging? Defence or prosecution lawyers?

  3. It is not clear whether you are talking about criminal or civil proceedings or exactly what "mobbing" is. There are various publications and websites which list who is the best in a particular field. Also various chatrooms like this will give you the best recommendations.

    Perhaps you could clarify what you want please?

  4. whats mobbing

  5. This sounds like an employment law issue. You could try contacting the Free Representation Unit. They're free. You might have an action for constructive dismissal, but ultimately you're unlikely to get an awful lot of money and you almost certainly won't keep your job.

  6. there are millions and they are not allowed to advertise,but what is mobbing

  7. You should be more discreet when you participate with multiple partners especially in public I don't know any as I'm a law abiding citizen.

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