
Do you know who is your Prime Minister?

by  |  earlier

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I know it! I'm Italian..

What do you think about him? **




  1. lmao yeah, he's funny, he's old and out of touch... people make fun of him a lot lol

  2. We think ours is bad, but we'd rather have him than yours.

  3. Mickey Mouse.

  4. I haven't a clue...Could I be lying?

  5. Yep I know who ours is....don't think he's that great though!!


  6. We just got a new one in Ireland ( We call them the Taoiseach ), so there isn't much to say how he (Brian Cowenn) is as one.

  7. my prime minister is gordon brown,and i am very proud of him,and would not change him.good night from woody.

  8. No i am From the USA who is my prime minister?

  9. Gordon Brown and I don't like him to much but i'll be fair, he is way better that that stupid ars* Tony Blair and Tony Blair left the job in a real mess so it isn't really a good time. He's better that that complete IDIOTIC Tw@ George bush. No offence to any bush supportedrs.

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