
Do you know who wrote this JB fanfiction story?

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well its the most amazing story ever.

its basically about the jo bros when they're older and they've married.

kevin's wife is named kerry, joe's wife is adrianna, and nick's wife is deila or something like that. and thru the middle of the story nicks wife has an affair with joe, then nick finds out. and theres a lot of mama drama between the brothers and deila. then towards the end deila finds out she's pregnant and theres a possibility that either joe or nick is the father. and it goes on but its really good. so it would be amazing if someone found this particular story, provided a link to it and yeah lol. thanks




  1. wtf?!

    there are people that obbssesed w/ them?!

    sry, sry, i guess each to there own...

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