
Do you know why Gov. Palin wants to kill the Polar Bears and is she right to want to do this?

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Do you know why Gov. Palin wants to kill the Polar Bears and is she right to want to do this?




  1. For big oil, baby.  

    She wants to take the Alaskan polar bears off the threatened species list.  She and other Alaska elected officials fear a listing will cripple oil and gas development in prime polar bear habitat off the state's northern and northwestern coasts.

  2. Would you kindly provide a source that proves Gov. Palin "wants to kill the polar bears?"  I doubt you will find one.  What you may find is that she opposes the listing of polar bears as an endangered species, mostly due to the fact that their populations have RISEN for decades.  If you want real science, and not political BS sensationalism, check the sources.  These are just two, you'll find plenty more if you take the time to research.

  3. Yes.  Polar bear numbers are increasing at a terrifying rate.  Polar bears have no sense of fear, and are huge and sometimes eat people.

  4. How does she plan on killing polar bears? By drilling in Anwar? Have you even seen pictures of Anwar? Sorry, I don't see how she will be killing polar bears. Building more pipelines won't kill them. Neither will drilling. There are barely any wildlife in that part of Alaska as it is, and we are in an oil crisis.

  5. She's not trying to kill anything. Concervationalists are misconstruing her words. It's time to drill for oil and any fool who says otherwise needs to do some serious research or start riding a bike.

  6. I don't think drilling will be the smoking gun, but habitat reduction and climate change will. I don't know if there's anything we can do about it at this point.

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