
Do you know why I am beginning to have a distaste for the dog section???

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0 LIKES UnLike sound like the dog section police LOL!




  1. anyone can answer "what to name my dog" it takes someone with some knowledge to answer real dog questions.btw this is a rant and you have been reported, now hands where I can see them you have the right to remain silent anything you say or do can and will be used against you in a court of dogs, do you understand? lol j/k  

  2. I know!!  I still have an open question about what kind of vacuum is good enough to use to pick up my dog's hair.  But I got some good answers, but one was like links to websites about how to take care of your dog!!  Some people don't even read the description.

    You haven't pick my answer as best answer, and I'm pretty sure I'm younger than you (no offense, I just have yet to meet anyone on here younger than me).  Some people...  Also, I am pretty new here.

  3. So very true. Because people have little to no knowledge on 'real' dog problems. Its all too easy to type FIDO and get 2 points, whereas proper questions require... *gasp*... thought!

    >> Just checked out your Q, and I'm stumped... a little hypocritical, but hey, I only gots a bird brain!

    Glad your feeling better J, we love you!! :D

  4. Wouldn't ya want some good advice, rather than lots of crappy advice?  I had a look, but really, your friend seems to have a pretty good handle on the situation.  It's hard to guess why the dog doesn't like it in the run all of a sudden, but reconditioning the dog with good experiences is the way to go, and she's already doing that.

  5. Welcome to the REAL dog world!  Keep your patience - eventually someone will answer your questions!!

    Add: just looked - I have nothing.  Sorry - the best your friend can do is to keep trying!

  6. I always hope to get some page long answers on YA but sometimes you only get people like "i don''t know" "or maybe you should take it to the vet" or "you shouldnt own a dog bla bla bla" they either like tell you something totally unhelpful, tell you somthing you already know or blow things out of proportion - but it simply makes ME value the good answers i get more... and make me put more effort into my answers to truly help others out!!! Im glad im not the only one to be bothered by the completely shallow one liners that serve no purpose on YA!!! LOL

  7. :(

    Sorry! I looked at your Q and I have no other ideas that your friend isn't already doing, or that others have already suggested!

    And besides... don't you really wanna hear the ideas people have for how to breed little chimorkiebullpoos and what they will be named? :D J/K!!!

  8. I'm sorry, I didn't even see your question.  Perhaps you can direct me to the link and I'll give it a go!

  9. ma'am..this is a "rant"

    just kidding

    LOL...I understand, some don't!!

    Its easier for kids to answer "wut shud i name mi doggie"


    "my dog has started to be shy around her family"

    "WEEE ohhhhhh"

    *puts flashy, siren on head*

  10. Ah, I know what you mean.

    Stupid Stupid People.

    I am getting more and more fond of dogs and less and less fond of people...

    Just try moving to the P&S

  11. Because anyone can answer THOSE... it takes a little reason and knowledge to answer real questions!

    Plus the obvious questions are flooding the section.  

  12. its also possible that the people look at the question, see what has already been answered and go 'oh well looks like theres a really good, explanatory answer there, its exactly what I would say so I wont bother.'

  13. Ask again.

    I would be so glad to see something other than 'name my dog', 'my dog is alpha', 'what breed do you like', etc.

  14. Look on the bright side! At least you aren't getting 'i dunno take it to a vet!' responses.

    People who don't know anythings about dogs answer those easy cheesey Q's.

    The REAL people answer the REAL Q's.

  15. hey i would have answered had i been here

  16. It takes a brain, and a bit of canine knowledge to answer your questions...  does THAT answer your question :)

    I would have answered if I had seen them... sorry!

    ADD:  I've answered another for you :)

  17. I've had dogs for 40 years and I'm giving 2 hours a day of my experience to help people,

    I think that's pretty darn good.

    What i'd like to ask is why don't people look back in the posts to see if there question might have already been answered?

    It probably has.

    Once I've given a question my best effort 3 times, I'm finished.

  18. I imagine it's because it's so hard to find the genuine, legitimate dog questions amidst the bazillions of posts about what to name an overpriced, sickly designer dog; or how much they can sell their mutts for, or where to get a free dog, or how to convincer their parents to let them have a dog.

    And the people posting irrelevant questions are generally the ones answering them as well, and they certainly appear to be in the unfortunate majority.

  19. With the idiots that posted retarded Qs in the dog section today, I really don't like it much anymore, either. I just can't believe people. It almost makes me ashamed to be human sometimes. Thank goodness there are people like us in the world. At least a small percentage of dogs will have a good life because of all of us.

  20. I'd rather had 3 solid, well thought out answers than 30 lame answers. =)


    wtf bug flew up Stacey's crazy butt?

  21. I understand completely

    I even reverted to posting a question under a completely different title-so I could get more answers.

    then got b!tched at. which I deserved. but hey- one of the biggest problems man kind has is admitting that they were wrong

    which I guess in a way I am

    but to get back to your question. everyone has different levels of knowledge for the dog section. but honestly- a lot of people have so little of that knowledge that it is very frustrating.

    and I understand the fun quizzes like 'name these breeds'

    but I agree-some questions are pretty ridiculous.  

  22. Because anyone can suggest names for someone's new dog...There are only a handful of people that can give good, solid advice and answers from experience, and they can't be on 24/7 :)

    The most you can do is be patient, and if you have to, ask the question again at a different time in the day. And hang in there!

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