
Do you know your horse's 'horsenality'?

by  |  earlier

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Mine's a Left Brain Introvert, from what I can tell. :')




  1. my horse leans towards the left brain extrovert, but has many of the other categories, so he doesnt realy fit in to the charts very well! He's quiet, affectionate, mouthy, food orientated and bould one minute, the other thes bucking, rearing, playing around, napping, bolting and then he can be quiet, tense, unpredictable, clever, argumentative, hesitant.......... so he doesnt realy fit!!! but i know what makes him 'tick' which is all that counts!

  2. no what is that? do you mean my horses personality? hes a really domanite pushy horse. he likes food, and we get along well.... im not sure what this means.

  3. I had to try this -

    According to this Harvey is a Right Brain Extrovert.

    Fally just totally defies definition (!)

    Edit - For Harv this translates as brainless speed demon with no brakes

    It's like those quizzes in magazines that you just have to fill in.

  4. LOL oh good heavens, I don't know any of those.  I do think they are very amusing, though.  Each to his or her own!

  5. Mine's a left brain Intorvert too!!!  :)  Gosh, it seems like everyone has right brains - yah, somebody with a horse like mine.  Bossy, lazy, mouthy, and food motivated.  But very sweet and reliable :).  However, I think she can swing into mild left brain Extrovert at times.

    And to the first person who answered this question, sounds more like you have a LEFT BRAIN extorvert, not RB.

  6. My horse didn't really fit into the categories... he's really laid back and soppy most of the time, but can be very much like a naughty boy (think overgrown pony!!) and has a few agressive and napping tendancies...

    But then he was badly treated so I think he's a bit mixed up!!!

  7. Yeah... My horse is a left brained if-you-try-any-of-that-parelli-BS-on-me-... Also known as a dominate, get the job done kinda fellow.

    Niether of us have time to play games. I've known his 'horsanality' and what makes him tick without having to sit down and use a chart, it's called horse-sense.

  8. my mare is a right brained extrovert she is supper smart and a clown always getting into something and trying to untie her self when she is tied

  9. mines a right brained dips.hit

  10. My mare is the dominant herd leader...means her personality is being a witch...

    My gelding is co dependent on mare...means he has the personality of a sissy...

    I knew that without looking at someone's idea of horse personalities...and learned how to train each one different LONG before this fad came out...

    Oh each their own also...

  11. from what I've learned I've found my horse to be a left Brain Extrovert.

    Though sometimes she does through me offf to be a right brain extrovert. --majority--left brain extrovert.

    Thats from parelli right? Love that guy.. amazing what he can do with horses huh?

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