
Do you learn about english history? fo people that dont live in england lol?

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Hey i was just wondering if you guys learnt bout english history or just the history from your own country because in my school the only other history we learn about is either the greeks, the romans and the egyptian. Well apart from the world wars too




  1. I'm from Ireland, and I remember learning about the war of the roses and the English civil war.  The rest of what we learned about England was only where it was relevant to Ireland, like the plantations etc.  

  2. Yes, the trouble with schools in Serbia is that we learn a lot about everything, and history especially. We have history starting from the beginning of time up to modern events. All countries, all parts of the world, with emphasis on particular nations more or less.

    That includes European history and British, too.

    National history is an important part of the curriculum too.

  3. ya i'm from Romania and we learn about enghlish history romans and greeks

  4. I live in Australia. We learn Aust. history, modern history (esp abt the wars) and Ancient history consist of Greeks, Romans and Egyptians.

    Unfortunately we don't learn much about about English history. Even in University degrees - majors about medieval or UK history are uncommon. It's a shame - I would love to learn it. It's strange as well because England is our 'mother-land' but their history is noticeably absent from our studies.

  5. Yes, I did when it was relevant to French history, meaning most of the time. You Brits were an annoying lot, weren't you? William the Conqueror, 100 years war, Crusades, religious war, Napoleon, Colonial times... ;D

  6. I have lived in Canada all my life, we learnt alot of English History, especially the brithish wars and royal families.

  7. The should be covering a tidbit at least in Western Civ., but you probably won't get anything in depth until you start taking college courses.

  8. in Australia for year 12 we can learn about German, Soviet, Vitnamese, Singaporean and many other nations', uhhh 'national' history. We have to do country studies, but that is for those who choose the subject. In early high school we only learn about WWs and Vietnam war plus a bit of Australian  

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