
Do you let your fear decide your actions? Mercury vs. Moon?

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When faced with a "fight or flight" situation, do you allow fear to sway your decisions?

On a smaller scale, do you block people (in your life, not on out of fear of betrayal, or do you trust everyone, even at the risk of being hurt, until proven otherwise?

Is your Moon running the show, or is your Mercury at the wheel?




  1. Actually, I let everyone in and then weed out the ones I don't like. In other words everyone gets and "A". They just have to earn it from there. I try to balance everything out too. Make sense of it all. Even if there is none to be made. Therefore, I'm not sure. What is your guess??

    Me: Sun: Virgo

    Moon: Libra

    Mercury: Leo

  2. Yes, fear is one of my greatest enemy. Even to this day, I cannot seem to conquer some of my fears. I won't list them here because that's also a fear of

    I have a very scardy pants Cancer Moon. I'm always looking for security, have long memories of the negative past,  sensitive beyond imagination, and caring too much about what others think of me ( how they will criticize me)...its funny how I get so sensitive..if even when people looked at me the wrong way....

    I feel like I can never be aggressive enough in general...and I hate that.

    My emotions runs and control all aspect of my life. And I hate that. I wish I disowned my Cancer Moon. .. =(

    Cancer moon/Taurus mercury

    And I don't block people right off the staret...they always get at least one chance...and if they betray me, they are outta my life forever!!

  3. That really sucks - i also wished the birthday girl a happy one! I'm sure she read all of the posts and appreciated it but still - Yes, I get disgusted all areas of life - lol!

    I tend to be cautious of others whom i do not know well...they have to kind of warm up to me before I can really trust them...though I will be friendly and polite unless they warrant a different type of action - lol!

    If I see no point in an argument then yes, I will avoid it....but if someone starts trouble or wants to pick a quarrel with me I stand my ground and react (the reaction just depends on the situation)! I usually win most all arguments (except with my son - he's 3 and owns me - lol - not really but sometimes he's so cute I can't help but start giggling and then I can't really fuss at him....I know it's not good! ;) I am working on that also - lol)!

    My moon is in Scorpio and my Mercury is in Capricorn....I have a lot of aspects with both of these planets....I think they balance and work with each other but it truly makes me a force to be reckon with! maybe not so good - but I don't like negativity either! Bring it and I will certainly dish it!

    ***No problem! I inadvertantly blocked you rather than adding decided to not add you just yet as I felt it would be a bit tacky since i accidently blocked you - lol - sorry! My bad! LOL!

    ***yeah as you have noticed I have some 'groupies' following me around in my I did indeed block a few people...and a few that I meant to add - lol....I've just been having that kind of 'blonde' day today - you worked 6 out of 7 days this week and I don't have an air conditioner....that's where i'm pointing the finger this time - lol!

  4. I usually have a hard time facing my fears at a first glance...Then after I have realized what they're all about, I start detaching myself from the situation until I can definitely say that I have a mental control over them..However, it's not that easy sometimes so I can probably say they share the "wheel" in most cases.

    There was a time when I used to be very, very open to people in my life...and I can honestly say that I have probably regretted it. Not the fact that I was open, but the fact that I was open to the wrong people...I guess it had something to do with my Leo Moon and my Sag Venus in my 11th- it was some sort of innocence, though, which I wish I still had. Now my Mercury, from this point of view, is much more active so I've become more "selective" than I was in the past...but it was not by choice, it was kind of forced and I have to admit that this has its own disadvantages, when you get used to being private and when you finally find someone you can open up to, you have a problem due to your "habit".

    So generally, even though I'm more level-headed now than I used to be in the past, this has occured due to emotional factors and not a decision clearly based on intellectual principles....I guess I'm a 50-50 right now.

    Nice question :)  

  5. This is a difficult question for me. It really made me think.

    I'm a Pisces Sun and Libra Moon. That Libra Moon sits right there on my Libra Ascendant, so I've had to develop a routine so that I won't be constantly debating and deliberating over my choices.

    I have Mercury in Pisces. I am going to say that in my experience, Mercury is at the wheel. I'm basing it on the fact that Mercury is in opposition to Saturn in Virgo. That Saturn placement is my saving grace because it has taught me the beauty of discipline and organization.

    Do I block people? Most definitely. Being a Pisces Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars, I've had to learn how to protect myself from users and abusers. I try to trust persons unless I learn otherwise about them. I have a saying that each and every day I have to learn the golden rule all over again.

  6. This is gonna be surprising coming from a Scorpio, but i definitely will trust someone until proven wrong. This is just for friends though.

    In romantic relationships, I dont trust. EVER. So i dont know. You decide.  

  7. Lol, what happens when your moon is the rational one of the two influences involved??

    Moon in Aquarius

    Mercury in Scorpio

    I will say that I tend to approach people with caution. My trust is earned, I don't just toss it out there for anyone. I've got Scorpio on the 4th too, it's to be expected. So yeah, it's a slow process sometimes getting to know me, but the good side is that once you're in, you're pretty much in for life with me. Being fairly open minded and accepting as well, a person would have to do something really really terrible in order to lose my trust. So yeah, it takes a while, my Mercury is naturally suspicious, and my moon is on the cooler side too, so the first thing I look for is possible ulterior motives with any new person. It doesn't hurt to be cautious.

    If it's gotten to the point where I'm involved enough to fight though, no I don't tend to back down. Aqua moon can detach from most situations fairly easily, so if I don't care enough, then I just won't bother. It's not a matter of "flight" it's just a matter of not being worth it. If I do care though, "fight" actually takes one of two paths. There's the one where I still care enough about the individual that I'll just get angry, and then there's the one where trust is gone from the relationship and I'll just let Mercury and 3rd house Uranus have their say. Fear doesn't really factor into the equation though. The only time it's really been any different was with my father. But he was scary. After him, no one else could possibly be all that intimidating by comparison, really.  

  8. My Virgo Mercury is doing the driving but Leo Moon is a back seat driver.

    I fear being betrayed only because it has happened so many times.  I try to remind myself that I am reacting to my past not the person in front of me.  But then there is that optimistic part of me that says, "What the heck!  I've already proven I can survive anything.  There is nothing to fear" and I jump in the water... then I jump out... then back in.  You get the idea.  

    Virgo is supposed to nick pick everyone else to death.  I only do that to myself.  I tend to put other people on pedestals.  Not such a good idea.  Others will either fall or jump off.   Leo Rising can be very childlike and trusting.  I realised that applies to me recently when I was babysitting for a friend.  I had been around the kids in groups but not one on one and was a little worried that they wouldn't like me.  But I paid attention and talked to them like people and they fell in love with me.  And I feel right back.  I don't think I am really capable of not trusting.

    Your friend's statement reminds of when I moved a few months ago.  Right before I moved a couple I had been friends with were being not too friendly.  I won't go into detail but from their actions it was clear that they were just using me.  I was hurt.  But I told another friend that would much rather be me and have intergrity than to be them.  I'd rather be the one being used than the one doing the using.  

    I actually have a tendency to trust completely until proven otherwise.  I try to be aware of that and also that Leo Moon conj Mars can conjured up all kinds of dramas with others as the bad guys.  Imagined slights are a big part of that combo.  Luckily I have level headed Virgo Mercury and a packed 2nd house to keep my feet on the ground.  Others aren't so lucky and live their lives fighting the same imaginary demons over and over again.

    And I figured you knew you were going to get a violation when you posted the bday wishes. lol  I thought you were willingly taking a bullet for me.  You're a good friend. :P  Thank you so much!

  9. No, I do not block people from my life. I always give people a chance first before jumping to conclusions. I do not live my life with some overwhelming fear of being hurt. I do not go out of my way to avoid situations that I could easily confront instead. I do not like things to go unresolved, and hiding from a problem only makes it worse. I feel that it's much better to tackle the problem head on. As for people, I am not afraid of being hurt. I am sure enough of myself to take anything someone could throw at me. If I lived my life not trusting people, how would I ever be able to get close to anyone? I say that the risk is worth it for something that may develop into a deep, lifelong bond.

    Cancer Moon/Libra Mercury

  10. For me, I think it depends on what causes the fear.  I like to think that my fear is balanced and rational, but not always.  In retrospect, sometimes I should have listened more carefully to my fear instincts and run; other times, I should have been more of a fighter - oh, I don't know - this is too much introspection this early in the am.

    Regarding the violation, Irish: from what I have seen, most birthday wishes get deleted eventually.  It is almost inevitable.  When it happened to me, I checked the guidelines, and sure enough, it is considered a violation.  I think YA has a red flag alert code when a question like this is posted.  It is okay, though, because it is the thought that counts, and if the BD boy or girl was able to see it and appreciate the thought, that's all that matters. I wouldn't take it personally.  

  11. When faced with fight or flight, I allow common sense to sway my decisions. Naturally if I'm in that state, I'm panicked for a moment, but then something comes over me and I detach from my feelings and am able to find a rational solution. This all happens within seconds somehow.  

    In life, I am gaurded with people to some extent, because I don't trust easily. Time and life and relationships have taught me some pretty tough lessons in what can happen when you trust blindly.  Not to say that I automatically assume every person is out to do me in, but I need to feel my way around a person for quite some time before I will let my guard down, and to be honest, it never goes down fully. I just can't allow myself that type of vulnerability after having it betrayed one too many times.  

    Sun in Cancer, Moon in Scorpio, Aquarius Rising, Mercury in Cancer

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