
Do you let your kids dress how they want?

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Would you let your kid walk out of the house with an orange mohawk, for example?

I'm 15 so I obviously don't have kids, I'm just curious what you think.

Tell me how old your kids are too.




  1. My 17 year old son just got rid of his purple mohawk.  As a parent, you have to learn to choose your battles.  If your child gets good grades, had good friends, and stay out of trouble, the clothes and the hair are superficial.  They will grow out of it.  My son also wore the "bondage pants" for about 4 years, but he grew out of that phase too.  Now all he has is a lip ring.  I asked about a tattoo, and he said, "Mom, that's stupid.  That's permanent.  One of these days this lip ring will be out and it'll grow over.  I don't want something I might regret and not be able to change."  Sounded good to me!

  2. I pretty much let them dress the way they want as long as it it conducive to school rules.  I try not to go to war with them over clothes because heaven knows there are so many  other issues.

  3. Haha :)

    My oldest is 17 and I've had to battle him about what I thought was appropriate to wear. The same with my 15 year old and 7 year old daughters. Some things are appropiate to wear and somethings aren't. In my oppinion is that it should fit of what age they are. I don't let them wear what ever they want but if it covers what I want to cover then it's fine with me :)

  4. My mother didn't let me have a say in what I wore until I was 10 years old thats just how she was brought up,and it didn't bother me I loved the stuff my mom bought.Heck I am 22,and if she sees a blouse ect at a store she knows I would love shes buys it for me,and I don't have a issue with that.

  5. each generation has its 'fads' in clothes and hair and music, and all. what you need to do as a parent, is try to stay with the times, but try not to let it get out of control. we wore mini skirts to high school and got sent home on a regular basis, because they were higher than 3" above our knees. now, kids can wear anything to school. kids go through phases all the time, if the parent sees that the kids are still going to school, getting decent grades and not drinking and drugging all over the place, why not? they will change their attitudes and choices as they grow older. why not let them have some fun as youngsters?

  6. I'm only 12 but I would after they turned 9 they could dress how they want. after 13 peircings, hair dye, ect.  

  7. no way- that's why I'm the parent.  Also, I pay for their clothing so I should get the most say.  I do let them choose  from some outfits that I pick out, but my kids are young.  Even when they get older though, I will have strong opinions of what they wear.  When I see teenagers nowadays, I always wonder where their  parents are and why they are not more involved in their child!

  8. No.  My daughters will wear hijab from the time they are born.  They'll wear Niqab at 11.  My sons will wear kufi from the time their born, and start wearing thobes, ghutras, and igals, at 1 year old.  My daughters will also wear abaya at 1 year old.  I'm not having my kids dress in clothing of non Muslims, and imitate the unbelievers.  My kids will dress modestly.

  9. I wouldnt be happy about it, but yes once a child hits a certain age they should be able to wear their hair and they clothes they want providing they can buy their own clothes... My boys are 10-7yrs and i still buy thier clothes and usually with out them with me... They just got a bunch of new clothes for school this year and they really like what i picked out... but they do pick out what they want to wear to school ad i tell them yes or no... our schools here have strict guidelines and they arent allowed to wear sleevless tee shirts or shirts with any graphics on them etc... so it can be hard for them to choose appropriate clothing...

  10. Right now my kids are 9 and almost 2, so I haven't really come accorss this, except for my nine year old wanting to wear jeans with holes in the knees.  For the hair, if it was a fauxhawk and for a night out, sure.  If it was the full sides of the hair shaved, permanent orange dye, then no.  I want my kids to feel that they have freedom to express themselves and dress to a degree the way that they want to, but there has to be a line.  I'm open to compromise, but there is a line.  I know that my parents would hate it if their grandkids dressed too unconventionally, but as long as their clothes are clean and inoffensive, I think that there should be freedom.  I have boys, so luckily, I don't have to worry about crop tops or cut-offs (breathes sigh of relief).

  11. Depends on the age I guess, my oldest son is only 6 and he has asked to use the hair spray stuff to color his hair before just to have it different and it didn't bother me, i use to do the same thing when i was younger.  It is part of exploring yourself.  Now if it went against dress code at school then i wouldn't allow it or if they were getting into fights with people because of it then i wouldn't allow it.  

  12. NO!

    I like to make my the younger ones cute!

    Sometimes I don't care if its that bad looking.

    Because there kids.

    But NO!


  13. lol... my son is three and my daughter is eight right now. as long as it isn't piercings or tattoos at the age of 15.  i hope to be the mom to let my children express themselves and hope that it is something that will pass (if it's an orange mohawk!).

  14. uh uh no way it completely depemds on the person but you're asking my opinion and I'd give it some leeway room but not extremes or your child will end up in all kinds of messes

  15. I'm 14, but my parents let me dress how I want. Mind you, I'm not wearing S****y clothes, but they let me dye my hair, wear band tshirts and "emo"ish clothes, and mismatched Converse. They also let me get my nose pierced.

    My mom used to wonder why I always dressed covered up (i always wear tshirts and jeans), but then she saw these girls who were trying on clothes that showed cleavage and short shorts and me trying on my tshirt and she was happy about the way I dressed. =]

  16. As long as its not sexualy suggestive yes

  17. well I am 15 , but my opinion ( when I have kids )

    is that they will not have piercings till they are 16 or

    over . They cant have Mohawks until they are 16 as well

    since I HATE them Bahama , and if I have a girl I wont allow

    her to wear skirts that are to short and she cant wear

    make-up till grade 7 , that's when I was allowed =]

  18. I'm not allowed to dye my hair anything that will last longer than a day, and my dad has a problem with me wearing my different colored clip in hair pieces to church (maybe he thinks its a distrction?)

    Anywho, no cleavage allowed, and no skirts more than just a few inches above me knees. (even though my uniform skirt at my catholic school is like wayy shorter)

    Needless to say, I wear a lot of jeans and shorts lol.  I can get away with shorter dresses, because they appear longer

    My mom makes comments when i try to wear shoes with heels "too high", which i totally dont get. I walk fine in them and they are cute

    My parents also make remarks about if I'm wearing a superlot of makeup (I almost never do)

    So the only things I'm told to go get changed are if I'm wearing a boobie shirt, or a skirt where you can see thigh

    Oh I'm 17 at the end of the month fyi

  19. i ahve a 10 yr old who just got his ear peirced and he rips holes in his pants cause he thinks it's cool. At this point we have told him that he can do what ever he wants to with his hair if it's clean same goes for his clothes. We told him that if he want's to look a certain way he has to do so with a little bit of class. so ya Ilet him wear what he wants as long as it doesn't have drug paraphanalia on it,swears or dirty words then he can wear it .

  20. it depends on the kind of definitely not gonna let my daughter go out of the house with a skirt on up to her butt and a top that she's falling out of (on both end, top and bottom)...Teens need to learn to respect themselves...i myself am not far out of "teenhood"...just 21...but i see it at a parents perspective now as i have a 6 month old daughter..."Cute" clothes are ok..."s**y" clothes are meant for adulthood...ur just finding urself and the last thing u need is clothes determining how ppl see u and act around u

  21. yea sure, my daughter is 11 and we tried to give her blue highlights for the summer only, they didn't show up in her dark hair. We just cut my sons mohawk today. Awww. Hes upset about it though its just too hot theses days. I only let them do things like that for the summer though.

  22. Id prefer if they didnt dress really crazy like orange mohawk, but when they are teenagers, i cant stop them from dressing the way they want, they are almost adults...

    Im only 15 also, but thats how i feel anyway.

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