
Do you let your kids eat fast food?

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(I don't want to know what you think I should do. I want to know if YOU personally let your kids eat fast food and what kind of limit you put on the consumption if you do!)




  1. no

  2. I'm not a parent, but my parents alway let me eat what ever I wanted. I'm making my own choices now, but when I was younger we got fast food all the time.  

  3. Children only want what you forbid. Everthing in moderation. My aunt never let her kids have fast food. Their father got custody and they ballooned up practically overnight. They went fast food crazy. I would let my kids have it maybe once or twice a month as long as they have an understanding that its a treat. My friend never cooks on fridays,they always order out so her kids are not fast food crazy. They have home cooked meals the other 6 days of the week. and they are healthy boys

  4. when i was little, my parents only let me have fast food (mcdonald's, burger king, etc.) as a treat or as a snack once in a while.  it was about once a month.  now that i'm older, i still think of it as a treat and never as a meal so i don't consume that much unless i desperately need a snack.

  5. When i was little, they only allowed me to have nuggets and that orange drink from mcdonalds. i never had any other type of fast food until i was old enough to go out on my own and buy it.

    i don't think it's bad if you have it occasionally but i would not want my kids eating it all the time. yea it tastes good but you feel like c**p after you eat it.  

  6. We usually eat at home.  My kids don't like fast food that much, but it isn't forbidden.  Actually, no food is off limits.

    If they begged for mc donald's every day, I would have to say no, and limit it to once or twice a week.  Usually they complain when they have to eat fast food, they think I am being cheap if we eat it.  But sometimes we are driving or in a rush, so they have no choice and neither do I!

  7. Well no. They only ate it once in their lives. And they are 8 and 14.

  8. I don't think it's bad to eat fast food 1-2 times a week

  9. fast food is great. you should try it some time. i love chiiiiiicken

  10. We only had fast food on road trips. Now that I'm older, I never eat fast food. On road trips I try to get the healthiest thing on the menu.

  11. Once in a while. like once every month is ok.

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