
Do you let your kids (grade schoolers) out on the weekend for both nights?

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My son went to visit his grandfather right after school friday to go skating and then sleep over. Awesome. Now it's six oclock and I'm about to pick him up, but his cousin calls and wants him to go to a get together (family thing with other adults and kids for someone that's in from out of town) that lasts until 11 or midnight. Then tomorrow we are supposed to go to dinner at my in laws house. Do I let him go with his cousin to the get together and hang with other kids or ask him to stay home tonight so he won't be tired tomorrow? I like him to socialize with his age too, but is this too much out time and not any home time?




  1. My general rule with our grade schooler is, if she has playdates or sleepovers and is busy all weekend, she must have all her chores done before hand and is required to have at least 1 meal with the family whether it is lunch or dinner. This weekend is a 4 day weekend for her so she has had alot of friends calling and asking if she could come over, I dont mind as long as she takes a small break and comes home for an hour or two.

    I wouldnt let her stay out till 11 or midnight if it was friends but since its family I would be ok with it.

  2. You bet I do!  They need time with relatives and all the time they can get is definately ok by me and my husband.  I also enjoy the break!  It hurts no one and benefits both the grandparents and cousins and FRIENDS!

  3. i would say one or the other, dinner at in-laws or go out with cousin.

    he needs to have some time at home.

  4. if he does good in school and is trust worthy than yes let him go,I would not be to hard on him if he is with family and does not give you any reason not to trust him if your to hard he will rebell

  5. i saw let the kid go, as long as he is not acting braty or irrational. Let him have fun. If he is tired during your dinner with the inlaws then next time don't let him go out both nights.

  6. YES i do then i do a happy dace for some unexpected ME time. as for dinner the next day.... let him sleep in it's Sunday. and if he is tired at dinner so what just say he's tired because he stayed over night having fun with family. it's an out of town group so it's not like he gets to do this all the time. besides dinner with the in-laws is usually a grown up thing. what would you have wanted to do if you were him?

  7. if he sees your inlaws on a regular basis then i would let him have fun with the cousins

  8. If he is well supervised and this doesn't happen every weekend, let him attend all of the activities. You could attend the cousin's party with him -- he's 8 and will need supervision. That way you're letting him go AND you're spending time together.

  9. depends his age, gradeschoolers range from1st to 6th grade...hard to give an answer

  10. I think it would be fine to let him go out. When my little brothers were in elementary and junior high, my parents let them go out two or three nights in a row, just not every weekend.

  11. I'd let him go out tonight with his cousin. It seems like he's spending most of his time with his family this weekend, and that can't hurt. It's not like he's going to be this busy every weekend, and I'm sure he'll work back into his normal home schedule this week. If he is tired tomorrow, it's just dinner at his grandparents house. He should be able to get enough sleep to be awake for that tomorrow.

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