
Do you let your kids wear what they want? Or do you still have a say?

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Mom of seven yr old boy.




  1. You are in charge of the clothing he owns, so you still have some control over what his choices are.  (If you don't want him wearing skulls, you don't buy them.)

    But, my kids (teenagers now) follow some basic rules;

    Appropriate for the weather (jeans/shorts, sneakers/flip-flops, jackets)

    Cover all undergarments and body parts (school rules, too) - no droopy jeans, underwear or bra straps hanging out, no belly-shirts.  

    No images/text that is rude or s**y (age-appropriate).  My 14 year old daughter can't wear tops with sexual innuendos ("Give my number to your boyfriend"), my 15 year old son can't wear shirts that defy authority ("Eat my shorts!").

    For restaurants, weddings, funerals, awards nights, etc... we step it up a little.

    So, once we've covered that -- when she wants to wear pink capri pants and a purple top, have at it.

  2. As long as it is appropriate then I let them.  I do draw the line at no-coat-when-it-is-20-degrees thing, but you should see some of the outfits my kids come up with.  Two different shoes, etc.  LOL

  3. I don't think it's right for parents to control every facet of their kids' lives. You aren't going to be doing this for the rest of their lives, are you? If you're not willing to let someone do it for you, and it is not a matter of safety, don't try to force them to.

  4. I have final say on shopping he wears what he wants of that on a daily basis.

  5. Pretty much what they want..I wont say a thing as long as it does not look ridiculous.

  6. He picks, and then if he comes out and I have a problem with his shirt, or pants, then he goes and changes... but for the most part, he's in charge of that area! ♥

  7. my oldest is 8 1/2 he wears what he wants but since i pick the clothes out at the store and buy the clothes his closet is only full of clothes i think are ok. so before school i go in and wake him up and tell him to get dressed he chooses what he wants to wear and thats fine since i know he wont come out in something awfull since those things are not in the closet for him to choose. he hasnt made any requests for clothes that i have denied, he likes and i buy mostly jeans and t-shirts. if he were asking for some emo clothes or something i would of course deny him but if he wanted more button up or collard (polo)shirts then i wouldnt mind. so he has some say so but im not letting him out of the house looking awfull. its up to the parents to teach them how to dress and match and not look like a slob

  8. I have a say about what we buy but they can pick anything in their closet as long as it is appropriate for the occasion or season. If it really does not match or I would not put those shoes with that outfit, I grin and bear it. Kids need to feel they have choices and I save the fights for the important issues. Plus my sister never allowed my niece to pick her own, she is 17 and still holds a grudge about it. You have to let kids be dorky kids at times. By the way my kids are 7 and 9 both girls.

  9. my house my rules. plus i'm not going to let my son run around like these idiots in oversized clothes hanging off thier butts

  10. My son is also seven.  I buy the clothes so there is nothing awful in his closet or drawers.  I may tell him short-sleeved, long sleeves, button up, etc. depending on the occasion and weather but he usually picks his own stuff.  He knows holes are not ok for church or school, but if we are staying home - fine.  If something is stained or torn beyond acceptability then it goes to the trash.

  11. My kids wear whatever they want depending on the weather. So if i say "Okay guys today you should wear something warm," then they pick out something warm, but whatever warm thing they want. I dont mind if my son spends all day in a Spiderman outift, as long as hes happy. My daughter once went to kinder wearing one of my T-shirts, which was very big on her, but she loved it. I put a spare t-shirt in her bag if she wanted, but she kept that T-shirt on all day. Personally i dont care what my kids are wearing, because at that age, they dont care, no one else cares, and they look fine in anything. My twin girls were never dressed the same, and we only bought two of things if they both wanted it, for instance an elmo jumper. They dont fight over their clothes because they pick out what they want from the shop usually, so they like their own clothes. I only chose until they were about 1.5 As soon as they started showing interest in choosing their clothes, or would complain about what they were given, i thought many problems would be solved if they just chose their own. I was right. With a litle help from me, dressing becomes fun and easy because they  feel good about what they are putting on. =]

  12. As long as he's following his school's dress

    code, I don't see why not.

  13. Nope not if I buy them I pick them out he decides what to wear each day

  14. I pretty much let my kids wear what they want as long it is appropriate for where they are going and what they will be doing.

  15. My son just turned 8, and he has to pick his clothes out before bed each night.  As long as the clothes are weather appropriate and in line with the school dress code, then he can wear it.  By picking it out night, if he picks out something that really doesn't match, then I will point that out to him, so he has the option to pick something else out or wear it.  

    I feel like, they are still young, so we should offer guidance, but at the same time, this is one of those things that is definetly not worth an arguement, so let them express themselves.

  16. When it is time to go shopping, I let him pick things out, but I get to say no if they are not something I want him to wear.  He gets a say, but not the final say!  He likes skate boards, I would never pick out a shirt with a skateboard on it, but if he finds one that I don't think is rude or vulgar, he may be able to have it.

    When he is getting dressed for school, I give him the option of 2 or 3 shirts.  If he won't pick, I do.  If we are just staying home for the day, he can wear what ever is in his closet.  If we are going somewhere nice, like church or a wedding, I get to pick.

  17. let them wear what they want as long as it is appropriate

  18. It depends on the kid. I have two girls~~5 & 7. My 7 yr old, I still work with. She tells me she just doesn't "have fashion sense" yet. She has no problem with me picking out her clothes though I do ask if she wants long or short sleeves and things like that.

    My 5 yr old on the other hand, she is very creative, but she also makes sure her clothing doesn't clash and she knows how to accessorize well too.

    With either of my kids, IF they put together an outfit that I think looks tacky, they can wear it only around home....if we're going out, they'll be changing!!

    I have an 11 yr old niece that I would still NOT trust to dress herself.

    Like I said, depends on the kid!! Good luck!!

  19. well my mom used to let me wear what i want then comment about the colors or style but not the actual clothing.

  20. As long as the clothes are in good repair and are in keeping with the rules at school, I say, let them wear what they want.  Kids this age don't have much of a say over much, so it's good to give them something they have control over.

  21. Help pick out the clothes and make suggesstions. You do this before bet time everynight. Let them pick it out and help "guide" them into what would look better. If they really want to wear it, let him. He's 7, I'm sure he's not going out naked.

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