
Do you let your sons to walk home in the dark rather than daughters?

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If you have a teen son or daughter, do you let the son walk home in the dark as opposed to the daughter?




  1. my parents never let me out at night (im a girl) but they let my brother come home at 2 AM.... whenver he wants....

  2. I have two daughters, so I can't answer directly, but I don't think I would treat sons significantly differently than daughters.  Now if either a son or a daughter in their teen years happened to be 6' tall and in good physical condition I would certainly worry less.

    In most cases, child abductors could just as easily take a boy as they could a girl, especially in the early teen years.

  3. Yeah, a girl is more likely to be kidnapped than a boy, although boys are kidnapped too.

  4. It all depends on what type of area you live in. I would if it was a safe environment. But no alone. There are too many weridos out there.

  5. Both will be held to the same standards.

  6. My mom never let me walk anywhere alone...BUT my brother was allowed to go EVERYWHERE he wanted... and I was the responsible one who usually had to keep track of him although he was older... there are alot of double standards because it's an assumtion women are helpless... I know i myself will also be less likely to let my daughter walk anywhere ALONE.. but I would also enroll her in self defense classes before i'd let her go... PLUS i'd make sure she had a cell and maybe a personal alarm on her....

  7. personally i would be more worried for the boys because of getting mugged or getting in to fights with other boys

  8. i don't have any teenagers but yes i would allow a boy to walk later than a girl, sure it's a double standard but fact is that females are more often targets

    now if we are talking about a known dangerous area then no one would be walking there at night

  9. my oldest, 15, is the only one aloud to walk home in the dark, with a friend, he can take my second oldest with him.

    girls are more of a target to predators but boys also are.

  10. It dont matter. I would let them both do it. Girls are capable of doing everything a guy can. But with both of them they would have someone with them.

  11. really they should be walking with someone and have some way of getting help.

    thats what i would be concern about only.

  12. I dont have kids but I wouldnt let them walk home in the dark, too risky. I'd pick them up or have someone drop them off.

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