
Do you lie....?

by  |  earlier

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....when you give answers about YOU? Well, I know the ones who lie will lie again , saying they dont lie..... or maybe they will lie saying that they speak the truth....

Will you lie?




  1. it's hard enough to remember the truth.

  2. everyone one lies about something

  3. No, I don't lie about myself because if the person is around you enough they will know it is not true and what is the point of lying to a stranger?   Lying usually indicates you care about what the person thinks of you.  If you don't even know them, then....why lie?

  4. If I don't want to reveal something personal...I either don't respond or tell an half-truth...basically hide something without actually lying

  5. I lie all the time! to get out of truble, to look or seem better, to aviod the truth, to make people fell better lots of reasons! even though i know its bad... but it helps make things better though!!

  6. i lie but i try not to it's not a very good thing or habit!! everybody has lied once but most people are afraid to admit it

  7. Who don't?

    I sure know I do!

  8. i dont see the point in lying because no one knows who i am!

  9. no!

  10. I try really hard not to lie however you can not survive in present day America and not lie on some level. By the way lieing by omission counts as a lie in my book.

  11. I stopped lying a long time a go,

    If I tell the truth, I can never get busted for something from the past.

  12. It's not good to lie,but yes.I've lied before.

  13. Sometimes it's good to lie about your answer. Say you do drugs, (this is an extreme example) and some lady is giving her daughter money to buy drugs or else the daughter will hate her, and the mom is confused and lost. As a drug addict, you may know it's not necessarily a good thing, and you would discourage the notion, wouldn't you? In Y! Answers you have the power to change people's opinions - and if it means making them better, I would lie.

  14. I just did on a question cause I need 10 points!

  15. Most people tell lies different degrees and if they say they don't, they're lying! kjl

  16. I lie.

  17. I only lie when the situation calls for it

  18. It's never good to tell a lie. But anyone who has said they have never lied before is lieing. Everyone has lied once.

  19. sometimes

  20. no

  21. Ha!  I try not to lie...

  22. Depending on the question i may or may not lie.I usually try to always tell the truth unless a lie wud benifit me much more then the truth wud.And y lie about myself anyway.
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