
Do you like BBC??

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It's my homepage, but I'm thinking about changing it. Does anyone like the BBC?? Sometimes I do, but they're a little weird sometimes. . .




  1. After much research I believe the BBC is the best news service for me. I listen to it all the time. Well, at least three hours a day. I trust their sources, and like their style of reporting, as well as the good spoken English of the presenters. And there is world music when you may need it.

    Yes they may be a little biased in favour of the Arab viewpoint, but one can make the adjustments to read between the lines.

    I only listen to their World Service and having listened to the other news sources can't imagine why I should listen to anything but the BBC.

  2. I only like the news

  3. They concentrate on reporting on boring news that no one cares about like the politics of Kazakhstan, I'm talking about their TV news show

  4. I do!!!

  5. I only have CNN headline news and MSNNBC

  6. BBC news, no not at all - but some of their other shows are pretty good.  
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