
Do you like Boone Pickens' energy plan?

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Liberals on here were real hot on him until they found out he is a conservative Republican. What did they expect from a self-made billionaire? I like his plan. He has already invested about $100 million of his own money in Windmill power. When Oklahoma State University needed a couple of new buildings and an upgrade to the football stadium, Pickens wrote his alma-mater a check for 124 million dollars! He has given away upwards of 700 million to charity and other worthy causes. I guess he blows away the stereotype of the greedy oilman! I just wish the press would stop calling him a 'Texas oilman'. He is an Okie through and through.

Pickend realizes the danger of foreign energy dependancy. He is for using ALL of our recources to become energy independant. it would create 10's of thousands of good jobs also!




  1. He recommends natural gas usage increase.  According to the energy hearings yesterday. One of the experts said that you must remember that the natural gas reserves in the U.S. is only 2 maybe 3%of the worlds resources.  the rest lies exactly where we are presently getting our oil.. So depending on natural gas constitutes jumping from the frying pan into the fire.Oil will always be needed for many manufactured products. We should be concentrating 0n alternate  transportation fuels primarily.

  2. That guy is awesome. I never disliked him because he's conservative and I'm liberal. His actions have always been reflective of his good character.

  3. I believe this country need to be energy indepentdant. Let the alt energy and the oil comlete on a fair basis to prove whuch is better. I bet all sources of energy will have their place. And let the green religiour zelots keep quiet the have done nothing to produce any energy, if only we could use their hot air.

  4. T-Boone is a good man. He was the developer of Mesa ltd

    Partnership back in the 80's. I made a little with that company.

    He is knowledgeable and forthright. He don't blow smoke, he

    just gets the job done. Thats why I would support anything

    he brought to the table.

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