
Do you like Brian Vickers?

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I like him a lot. He's a good guy and him and team Red Bull are getting better every week. I feel bad about what happened with him yesterday and I just hope it makes him hungrier to win the next one. He is moving up in my book, and I think he deserves a win. He is doing a lot better this season compared to last and it's good to know that program has gotten turned around.




  1. Brain has shown a lot of maturity this year, and will may even get a win before the year is out. Red Bull had made some serious improvements to their program and it is showing.  Also, before we knock the "j*p c**p"  there are alot of good people in Kentucky who build the Toyota Camry.  Do the research, and it may surprise your where the Fusion, Charger, and Impala are built.

  2. Look up class and see if any of those attributes apply to Brian Vickers or better yet on a scale of Mark Martin he rates a 1. He won his 1 race on pure luck of not getting caught up in the wreck he started.There was a LOT of silence after that from the Teams and the Drivers, most were embarrassed for him. The post race interviews were the most uncomfortable I have ever seen.Robby Gordon would come closer to getting my vote, at least he is a self made millionaire of the Petty model of racing.

  3. nope the wreck at talladega that took out jr and jimmie johnson back in 2006

  4. I'm not real sure how I feel about Brian I didn't used to like him very much at all but it seems to me that he has grown as a driver since he's started and he is kind of growing on me but I don't know how much yet!! (does any of this make any sense to ya? cause I'm tired and I think I'm losing my mind from all the hating the last couple of days LOL)

  5. Yes I do.  I didn't care for him when he was at Hendricks but he's matured and come into his own now.  He is due for a win...I hated what happened on Sunday to him...but he will bounce back, shake it off and go on to win.  I think he understands just what he is up against and he will be one of the ones who will race clean to the finish line to win!!

  6. I like him. Especially since he's doing good with a team that doesn't have as much money and support as some of these other drivers.

  7. Brian's pretty cool...  Deserves a seat to sit in !!

  8. Yeah, he's an underdog so I pull for him :D

  9. Yeah! I love Brian! He's my #1 favorite driver. I still cant believe what happened on Sunday..but I've got my head up and ready for the next one. Its only a matter of weeks before he gets a win. And now only 97 points out of the Chase. I think we'll be seeing a first time Chaser this year! ;)

  10. no last year he was whining about not making races, now he's make races and whining about the races!!! too much of a baby ...and he drives j*p c**p

  11. he is my second favorite behind joey lagano

  12. I like Brian  :)

  13. He is my favorite. He is a classy guy, and a great driver. It's great to see that Red Bull car running the way it is.

    To ellen: He doesn't whine at all. He is a very well spoken driver who says what needs to be said...

    and "j*p c**p"? You are showing very great character quality by judging someone bases on the fact that his car is Japanese. Have fun at the next KKK meeting you racist idiot.

  14. I like him. He seems like a decent guy and has earned me a lot of points in Yahoo's fantasy NASCAR league.

  15. He's one of those drivers that is on the fence for me.  I will pull for him, watch him and even be impressed by him.  Then he opens his mouth in interviews and shows his immaturity and whining behavior and I am back to leaning on that fence.  

    EX:  Sunday for his whining about it being to hot in the cars, to hot are you kidding me? He said "it was an inferno on four wheels" then the Mark Martin incident.  I have pretty grown some pretty tough skin when it comes to Junior so I won't bring that up, but leave Mark Martin alone the guy has been racing pretty clean all his life and deserves all of our respect.  Vicker's then accused Martin of pushing Kasey Khane's car along the track during the final caution.  

    So I guess I still have a lot of mixed feelings about him.  I do think the guy has a heck of a lot of talent though.



    Go Dale Jr #88

  17. This one is still up in the air for me. As far as the Team Red Bull, I'm glad to see the improvement. Some of the c**p from Sunday showed immaturity so that didn't help. He does have a lot of talent, he just needs to grow up a little and realize stuff happens, that's part of racin.  Peace n Smiles  =o~}

  18. No, I dont like him.  And for reason alone.  His only win came because he screwed up and crashed the first and second place car with a half a lap to go.  And to see him that day celebrating in victory lane as if he had actually accomplished anything made me want to vomit.  But I was probably more mad at Nascar that they let him keep the win.

  19. He's good

  20. I like him alright, even though he took out my driver for his first win in the cup series.  He does need to quit whining so much but it is remarkable where he is this year, with a new team that struggled to make races last year.

    3 STR8 N 08!!!

  21. he's okay.

  22. I like all the drivers, and crewchiefs, and owners, etc. Without them we would have no competition. As far as car maunufacturers go, Any car, whether it be German, Japanese, Italian, American etc. can go 300,000 mile or even the guy who's Chevy S-10 had a a million miles on it, as long as the owner takes good care of it, and does proper maintenance. A lot of people ruin their cars by improper maintenance, or even having the wrong mechanic work on their car.

  23. I love Vickers I always have since he was in HMS!!!!!! I am glad to see him doing good!

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