
Do you like British Airways or Air France better?

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Do you like British Airways or Air France better?




  1. Air France is better for me.

  2. Both airways are better.

  3. Air France by far. At least if you have a bag that is too heavy Air France will at least charge extra instead of just not doing it.

    Better service, food, etc.

  4. Depends: British air is really nice, but on international flights, the attendants get kinda' annoying. They wake you up during turbulance!

    Yea Air France is better just for that reason. The cabins looked the same to me, and the food was same, so it just comes down to the attendant service rating.

  5. they both show patriotism on their planes. i'd probably choose british airways

  6. None of 'em. I would rather gor for any Asian Airlines like Cathay Pacific, Asiana Airlines, Singapore Airline etc. . . .  

  7. I say hands up for air France ..they are nicer..and more efficient

  8. I like both airlines but I would have to say I like Air France a little better just becasue their staff are usually nicer than the British Airways staff.

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